Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Command Line Programs and Utilities
  3. Installing and Configuring Command Line Utilities
  4. Using the Command Line Programs
  5. Environment Variables for Command Line Programs
  6. Using infacmd
  7. infacmd as Command Reference
  8. infacmd aud Command Reference
  9. infacmd autotune Command Reference
  10. Infacmd bg Command Reference
  11. infacmd ccps Command Reference
  12. infacmd cluster Command Reference
  13. infacmd cms Command Reference
  14. infacmd dis Command Reference
  15. infacmd dps Command Reference
  16. infacmd edl Command Reference
  17. Infacmd es Command Reference
  18. infacmd ihs Command Reference
  19. infacmd ipc Command Reference
  20. infacmd isp Command Reference
  21. infacmd ldm Command Reference
  22. infacmd mas Command Reference
  23. infacmd mi Command Reference
  24. infacmd mrs Command Reference
  25. infacmd ms Command Reference
  26. infacmd oie Command Reference
  27. infacmd ps Command Reference
  28. infacmd pwx Command Reference
  29. infacmd roh Command Reference
  30. infacmd rms Command Reference
  31. infacmd rtm Command Reference
  32. infacmd sch Command Reference
  33. infacmd search Command Reference
  34. infacmd sql Command Reference
  35. infacmd tdm Command Reference
  36. infacmd tools Command Reference
  37. infacmd wfs Command Reference
  38. infacmd ws Command Reference
  39. infacmd xrf Command Reference
  40. infacmd Control Files
  41. infasetup Command Reference
  42. pmcmd Command Reference
  43. pmrep Command Reference
  44. Working with pmrep Files

Using the Object Import Control File

Using the Object Import Control File

When you use the
ObjectImport command, you can supply a control file to answer questions that you normally address when you import objects with the Import Wizard. To create a control file, you must create an XML file defined by impcntl.dtd. The import control file is installed with the PowerCenter Client, and you must include its location in the input XML file.
The following is a sample of the impcntl.dtd file:
<!-- Informatica Object Import Control DTD Grammar - > <!--IMPORTPARAMS This inputs the options and inputs required for import operation --> <!--CHECKIN_AFTER_IMPORT Check in objects on successful import operation --> <!--CHECKIN_COMMENTS Check in comments --> <!--APPLY_LABEL_NAME Apply the given label name on imported objects --> <!--RETAIN_GENERATED_VALUE Retain existing sequence generator, normalizer and XML DSQ current values in the destination --> <!--COPY_SAP_PROGRAM Copy SAP program information into the target repository --> <!--APPLY_DEFAULT_CONNECTION Apply the default connection when a connection used by a session does not exist in the target repository --> <!ELEMENT IMPORTPARAMS (FOLDERMAP*, TYPEFILTER*, RESOLVECONFLICT?)> <!ATTLIST IMPORTPARAMS CHECKIN_AFTER_IMPORT (YES | NO) "NO" CHECKIN_COMMENTS CDATA #IMPLIED APPLY_LABEL_NAME CDATA #IMPLIED RETAIN_GENERATED_VALUE (YES | NO) "NO" COPY_SAP_PROGRAM (YES | NO) "YES" APPLY_DEFAULT_CONNECTION (YES | NO) "NO" > <!--FOLDERMAP matches the folders in the imported file with the folders in the target repository --> <!ELEMENT FOLDERMAP EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FOLDERMAP SOURCEFOLDERNAME CDATA #REQUIRED        SOURCEREPOSITORYNAME CDATA #REQUIRED TARGETFOLDERNAME CDATA #REQUIRED TARGETREPOSITORYNAME CDATA #REQUIRED > <!--Import will only import the objects in the selected types in TYPEFILTER node --> <!--TYPENAME type name to import. This should comforming to the element name in powermart.dtd, e.g. SOURCE, TARGET and etc.--> <!ELEMENT TYPEFILTER EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TYPEFILTER TYPENAME CDATA #REQUIRED > <!--RESOLVECONFLICT allows to specify resolution for conflicting objects during import. The combination of specified child nodes can be supplied --> <!ELEMENT RESOLVECONFLICT (LABELOBJECT | QUERYOBJECT | TYPEOBJECT | SPECIFICOBJECT)*> <!--LABELOBJECT allows objects in the target with label name to apply replace/reuse upon conflict --> <!ELEMENT LABELOBJECT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LABELOBJECT LABELNAME         CDATA                       #REQUIRED RESOLUTION       (REPLACE | REUSE | RENAME) #REQUIRED > <!--QUERYOBJECT allows objects result from a query to apply replace/reuse upon conflict --> <!ELEMENT QUERYOBJECT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST QUERYOBJECT QUERYNAME          CDATA                         #REQUIRED         RESOLUTION         (REPLACE | REUSE | RENAME) #REQUIRED > <!--TYPEOBJECT allows objects of certain type to apply replace/reuse upon conflict--> <!ELEMENT TYPEOBJECT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TYPEOBJECT OBJECTTYPENAME            CDATA                      #REQUIRED RESOLUTION                REPLACE | REUSE | RENAME) #REQUIRED > <!--SPECIFICOBJECT allows a particular object(name, typename etc.) to apply replace/reuse upon conflict --> <!--NAME Object name--> <!--EXTRANAME Source DBD name - required for source object to identify uniquely--> <!--OBJECTTYPENAME Object type name--> <!--FOLDERNAME Folder which the object belongs to--> <!--REPOSITORYNAME Repository name that this object belongs to--> <!--RESOLUTION Resolution to apply for the object in case of conflict--> <!ELEMENT SPECIFICOBJECT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST SPECIFICOBJECT NAME CDATA #REQUIRED DBDNAME CDATA #IMPLIED OBJECTTYPENAME CDATA #REQUIRED FOLDERNAME CDATA #REQUIRED REPOSITORYNAME CDATA #REQUIRED RESOLUTION (REPLACE | REUSE | RENAME) #REQUIRED>


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