Use Exclusive gateways to create multiple branches from a sequence flow and to run the objects on a single branch. The Data Integration Service runs the objects on the first branch with a sequence flow condition that evaluates to true.
The Data Integration Service evaluates the conditions on each sequence flow in the order that you specify on the outgoing gateway properties. If a condition evaluates to true, the Data Integration Service follows the branch that the sequence flow indicates and does not evaluate any other branch. If a condition evaluates to false, the Data Integration Service skips the branch and evaluates the condition on the next sequence flow. When the objects on the branch are complete, the Data Integration Service passes the data to an incoming Exclusive gateway.
You specify a default sequence flow in the gateway properties. The Data Integration Service evaluates the default sequence flow last, regardless of the order that you set for the sequence flows in the gateway properties. If no other branch on the outgoing Exclusive gateway can run, the Data Integration Service runs the branch that the default sequence flow indicates.