Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflows
  3. Workflow Variables
  4. Workflow Parameters
  5. Cluster Tasks
  6. Command Task
  7. Human Task
  8. Mapping Task
  9. Notification Task
  10. Gateways
  11. Workflow Recovery
  12. Workflow Administration

Developer Workflow Guide

Developer Workflow Guide

Running Workflows

Running Workflows

After you deploy a workflow, you run an instance of the workflow from the deployed application using the infacmd wfs startWorkflow command. You can specify a parameter file for the workflow run.
You can concurrently run multiple instances of the same workflow from the deployed application. When you run a workflow instance, the application sends the request to the Data Integration Service. The Data Integration Service runs the objects in the workflow according to the sequence flows connecting the objects.
For example, the following command runs an instance of the workflow MyWorkflow in the deployed application MyApplication using the parameter values defined in the parameter file MyParameterFile:
infacmd wfs startWorkflow -dn MyDomain -sn MyDataIntSvs -un MyUser -pd MyPassword -a MyApplication -wf MyWorkflow -pf MyParameterFile.xml


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