Table of Contents


  1. Installation Getting Started
  2. Before You Install the Services
  3. Run the Big Data Suite Installer
  4. After You Install the Services
  5. Install the Developer Tool
  6. Uninstallation
  7. Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  8. Connecting to Databases
  9. Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Prepare Pre-validation for the External Cluster

Prepare Pre-validation for the External Cluster

If you chose to use external Hadoop cluster, you can configure the external Hadoop cluster.
  1. Select if there is passwordless Secure Shell connection between the Informatica domain and the cluster nodes.
    1. Press
      to secure the connection between the Informatica domain and the cluster nodes.
    2. Press
      if you do not want to secure the connection between the Informatica domain and the cluster nodes.
  2. If you chose to secure the connection between the Informatica domain and the cluster nodes, enter the secure connection information.
    The table describes the information you can enter to secure the connection:
    Host SSH user
    User to connect to other hosts from the domain host.
    SSH host names
    Cluster nodes that you want to connect using passwordless Secure shell.
  3. Select whether the cluster uses Kerberos authentication.
    1. Press
      if the Hadoop cluster uses Kerberos authentication.
    2. Press
      if the Hadoop cluster does not use Kerberos authentication.
      If you chose that the cluster uses Kerberos authentication, enter the Kerberos information.
      Keytab Location
      Location of the merged user and host keytab file.
      KDC Domain Name
      Name of the KDC domain.
  4. Select if you want to validate the cluster configuration.
    1. Press
      to validate the cluster configuration.
    2. Press
      if you do not want to validate the cluster configuration.
  5. Select if you want the installer to automatically configure the cluster.
    1. Press
      if you do not want the installer to automatically configure the cluster. If you do not choose this option, you cannot validate the cluster configuration.
    2. Press
      if you want the installer to automatically configure the cluster.
  6. If you chose to validate the cluster configuration, you can select the cluster type to configure.
    The following table describes the options you can select the cluster type to configure:
    Select to create a cluster configuration for a Cloudera cluster.
    Select to create a cluster configuration for a Hortonworks cluster.
    Azure HDInsight
    Select to create a cluster configuration for a Azure HDInsight cluster.
  7. Enter the information to configure the cluster.
    The following table describes the properties you need to set for configuring the cluster.
    Cluster Hadoop distribution URL
    URL to access the Hadoop cluster.
    Cluster Hadoop distribution URL user
    User name to access the Hadoop cluster.
    Cluster Hadoop distribution URL password
    Password to access the Hadoop cluster.
    YARN Queue Name
    The YARN scheduler queue name used by the Blaze engine that specifies available resources on a cluster.
    Service cluster name
    Name of the service cluster.


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