Table of Contents


  1. Installation Getting Started
  2. Before You Install the Services
  3. Run the Big Data Suite Installer
  4. After You Install the Services
  5. Install the Developer Tool
  6. Uninstallation
  7. Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  8. Connecting to Databases
  9. Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing by Joining a Domain

Installing by Joining a Domain

You can join a domain if you are installing on multiple machines and you have created a domain on another machine.
  1. Log in to the machine with a system user account.
  2. Close all other applications.
  3. Run the
    command to start the installer.
    The installer displays the message to read Informatica documentation before you proceed with the installation.
  4. Press
    to continue the installation.
  5. Press
    from to install Informatica Big Data suite products.
  6. Press
    to run the Pre-installation System Check tool. The tool verifies if your machine meets the minimum system requirements to install or upgrade Informatica.
    You can skip this step if you are sure that your machine meets the minimum system requirements to install or upgrade Informatica.
  7. Press
    to install Informatica.
  8. Press
    to agree to the terms and conditions of the installation or upgrade.
  9. Press
    to agree that you understand version 10.2.2 is specific to Big Data suite of products and continue with the installation.
  10. Press
    to install Informatica Services with Enterprise Data Catalog.
    The installer prompts you to confirm that the current version of the Informatica Services is not installed on the node.
  11. Press
    if you do not have the current version of the Informatica Services installed, else, press
  12. Choose the Hadoop cluster type for Enterprise Data Catalog. Press 2 to deploy Enterprise Data Catalog on an internal Hadoop distribution on HortonWorks using Ambari tool. Press 1 to deploy Enterprise Data Catalog on an existing Hadoop distribution on Cloudera, HortonWorks, or Azure HDInsight.
    Depending on the settings that you specify, Enterprise Data Catalog creates an Informatica Cluster Service for internal Hadoop distribution.
  13. If you chose the embedded Hadoop distribution, provide the following information after configuring the Informatica domain, the Model Repository Service, and the Data Integration Service:
    SSH username
    Username for the password-less Secure Shell (SSH) connection
    Informatica Cluster service name
    Name of the Informatica Cluster Service for the internal cluster.
    Informatica Cluster service port
    Port number for the Informatica Cluster Service.
    Ambari server host
    Host information for the Ambari server. Ambari is a web-based tool for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters, which includes support for Hadoop HDFS, Hadoop MapReduce, Hive, HBase and ZooKeeper.
    Comma-separated Ambari agent hosts
    Applies to high availability. If you use multiple Ambari agent hosts, specify the comma-separated values of multiple Ambari agent host names.
    Ambari web port
    Port number where the Ambari server needs to run.
    Catalog service name
    Name of the catalog service.
    Catalog service port
    Port number of the catalog service.
    Keytab Location
    Applies to a Kerberos-enabled cluster. Location of the merged user and host keytab file.
    Kerberos configuration file
    Applies to a Kerberos-enabled cluster. Location of the Kerberos configuration file.
    • Specify the following details if you select an existing cluster:
      Hadoop Distribution
      Select one of the following options:
      • ClouderaManager
      • HDInsight
      • Hortonworks
      Cluster URL
      Fully qualified host name to access the cluster.
      Cluster URL Username
      Username to access the cluster.
      Cluster URL password
      Password for the Cluster URL username.
    • If you chose the existing Hadoop distribution as
      , provide the following information:
    Catalog service name
    Name of the catalog service.
    Catalog service port
    Port number of the catalog service.
    Yarn resource manager URI
    The service within Hadoop that submits the MapReduce tasks to specific nodes in the cluster.
    Use the following format:
    • hostname
      is the name or IP address of the Yarn resource manager.
    • port
      is the port on which Yarn resource manager listens for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
    Yarn resource manager http URI
    http URI value for the Yarn resource manager.
    Yarn resource manager scheduler URI
    Scheduler URI value for the Yarn resource manager.
    Zookeeper Cluster URI
    The URI for the Zookeeper service, which is a high-performance coordination service for distributed applications.
    HDFS namenode URI
    The URI to access HDFS.
    Use the following format to specify the NameNode URI in the Cloudera distribution:
    • <namenode> is the host name or IP address of the NameNode.
    • <port> is the port that the NameNode listens for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
    Service cluster name
    Name of the service cluster. Ensure that you have a directory
    in HDFS before the installation is complete.
    If you do not specify a service cluster name, Enterprise Data Catalog considers
    as the default value. You must then have the
    directory in HDFS. Otherwise, Catalog Service might fail.
    History Server HTTP URI
    HTTP URI to access the history server.
    Is Cluster Secure ?
    Set this property to one of the following values if you have an existing cluster that is secure:
    • 1: specifies that the existing cluster is not secure.
    • 2: specifies that the existing cluster is secure.
    Default is 1.
    Is Cluster SSL Enabled?
    Applicable only if you had selected the Hadoop distribution as
    Set this property to one of the following values if you have an existing cluster that is enabled for SSL:
    • 1: specifies that the existing cluster is not enabled for SSL.
    • 2: specifies that the existing cluster is enabled for SSL.
    Default is 1.
    Enable Kerberos Authentication
    Set this property to one of the following values if you have an existing cluster that is enabled for Keberos:
    • 1: specifies that the existing cluster is not enabled for Kerberos.
    • 2: specifies that the existing cluster is enabled for Kerberos.
  14. Press
    to continue.
    You see a prompt message about the license key file.
  15. Press
    if you want the installer to tune the Informatica application services based on the size of data deployed.
    The installer displays the following options for various data sizes:
    • Sandbox
    • Basic
    • Standard
    • High Concurrency and High Volume
  16. Type the path and file name of the Informatica license key and press
  17. Type the absolute path for the installation directory.
    The directory names in the path must not contain spaces or the following special characters: @|* $ # ! % ( ) { } [ ] , ; ' Default is /home/toolinst.
    Informatica recommends using alphanumeric characters in the installation directory path. If you use a special character such as á or €, unexpected results might occur at run time.
  18. Press
    to run the pre-validation utility. The utility helps you validate the prerequisites to install Enterprise Data Catalog in an embedded cluster. The utility also validates the Informatica domain, cluster hosts, and the Hadoop cluster services configuration.
    The installer prompts you to confirm if you want to enable Kerberos authentication for the cluster.
  19. Press
    if you want to enable Kerberos authentication for the cluster and provide the following details:
    1. Keytab Location
      . Location of the merged user and host keytab file.
    2. Kerberos Configuration File
      . Location of the Kerberos configuration file.
  20. Provide the gateway user name and press
    . Default is
  21. Provide the Informatica Hadoop cluster gateway hostname in the following format:
    and press
  22. Provide the list of comma-separated Informatica Hadoop cluster nodes as shown in the following format:
    <hostname>.<FQDN>, <hostname1>.<FQDN>, <hostname2>.<FQDN>
    and press
  23. Provide the Informatica Hadoop cluster gateway port and press
    . Default is
    Make sure that you do not configure Oracle with port 8080 on the same machine where Informatica Cluster Service runs.
  24. Provide the path to the working directory and press
    . The path indicates the location where you want to mount the Informatica Cluster Service.
    The installer starts the pre-validation utility.
  25. Press
    to continue after running the pre-validation utility.
  26. Review the installation information, and press
    to continue.
    The installer copies the Enterprise Data Catalog files to the installation directory. You see a prompt to create or join a domain.
  27. Press
    to join a domain.
    The installer creates a node on the machine where you install. You can specify the type of node to create and the domain to join.
  28. Specify whether the domain you want to join has the secure communication option enabled.
    Press 1 to join an unsecure domain, or press 2 to join a secure domain.
  29. Select the type of node you want to create.
    The following table describes that types of nodes that you can create:
    Configure this node as a gateway
    Select whether to configure the node as a gateway or worker node.
    1 - Yes
    2 - No
    Select 1 to configure a gateway node or 2 to configure a worker node.
    If you configure the node as a gateway, you can enable a secure HTTPS connection to the Informatica Administrator.
  30. Specify the connection details to Informatica Administrator.
    1. Specify whether to set up a secure HTTPS connection to the Informatica Administrator.
      The following table describes the options available to enable or disable a secure connection to Informatica Administrator:
      1 - Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator
      Set up a secure connection to Informatica Administrator.
      2 - Disable HTTPS
      Do not set up a secure connection to Informatica Administrator.
    2. If you enable HTTPS connection for the Informatica Administrator, enter the keystore file and port number to use to secure the connection.
      The following table describes the connection information you must enter if you enable HTTPS:
      Port number for the HTTPS connection.
      Keystore file
      Select whether to use a keystore file generated by the installer or a keystore file you create. You can use a keystore file with a self-signed certificate or a certificate signed by a certification authority.
      1 - Use a keystore generated by the installer
      2 - Specify a keystore file and password
      If you select to use a keystore file generated by the installer, the installer creates a self-signed keystore file named Default.keystore in the following location:
      <Informatica installation directory>/tomcat/conf/
    3. If you specify the keystore, enter the password and location of the keystore file.
  31. Press
    if you want to enable Single sign-on using SAML authentication for Enterprise Data Catalog applications.
  32. Provide the SAML Identity Provider (IdP) URL and press
    See the section
    Configure Single Sign-on with SAML Authentication
    for information about configuration you must complete after you install Enterprise Data Catalog.
    If you enabled secure communication for the domain, the
    Domain Security - Secure Communication
    section appears. If you did not enable secure communication for the domain, the
    Domain Configuration Repository
    section appears.
  33. In the Domain Security - Secure Communication section, specify whether to use the default Informatica SSL certificates or to use your SSL certificates to secure domain communication.
    1. Select the type of SSL certificates to use.
      The following table describes the options for the SSL certificates that you can use to secure the Informatica domain:
      1 - Use the default Informatica SSL certificate files
      Use the default SSL certificates provided by Informatica.
      If you do not provide an SSL certificate, Informatica uses the same default private key for all Informatica installations. If you use the default Informatica keystore and truststore files, the security of your domain could be compromised. To ensure a high level of security for the domain, select the option to specify the location of the SSL certificate files.
      2 - Specify the location of the SSL certificate files
      Use SSL certificates that you provide. You must specify the location of the keystore and truststore files.
      You can provide a self-signed certificate or a certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA). You must provide SSL certificates in PEM format and in Java Keystore (JKS) files. Informatica requires specific names for the SSL certificate files for the Informatica domain. You must use the same SSL certificates for all nodes in the domain. Store the truststore and keystore files in a directory accessible to all the nodes in the domain and specify the same keystore file directory and truststore file directory for all nodes in the same domain.
    2. If you provide the SSL certificate, specify the location and passwords of the keystore and truststore files.
      The following table describes the parameters that you must enter for the SSL certificate files:
      Keystore file directory
      Directory that contains the keystore files. The directory must contain files named infa_keystore.jks and infa_keystore.pem.
      Keystore password
      Password for the keystore infa_keystore.jks.
      Truststore file directory
      Directory that contains the truststore files. The directory must contain files named infa_truststore.jks and infa_truststore.pem.
      Truststore password
      Password for the infa_truststore.jks file.
    The Domain Configuration Repository section appears.
  34. At the prompt, enter the information for the domain that you want to join.
    The following table describes the properties that you specify for the domain:
    Domain name
    Name of the domain to join.
    Gateway node host
    Host name of the machine that hosts the gateway node for the domain.
    Gateway node port
    Port number of the gateway node.
    Domain user name
    User name of the administrator for the domain you want to join.
    Domain password
    Password for the domain administrator.
    Domain Security - Encryption Key
    section appears.
  35. Enter the encryption key information for the Informatica domain that you want to join.
    If the location of the encryption key in the gateway node is not accessible to the current node, copy the encryption key file to an accessible directory. You might need to assign read permission to the directory that contains the encryption key file on gateway node before you can copy the file.
    The following table describes the encryption key parameters that you must specify when you join a domain:
    Select the encryption key
    Path and file name of the encryption key for the Informatica domain that you want to join. All nodes in the Informatica domain use the same encryption key. You must specify the encryption key file created on the gateway node for the domain that you want to join.
    If you copied the encryption key file to a temporary directory to make it accessible to the nodes in the domain, specify the path and file name of the encryption key file in the temporary directory.
    Encryption key directory
    Directory in which to store the encryption key on the node created during this installation. The installer copies the encryption key file for the domain to the encryption key directory on the new node.
  36. On the Join Domain Node Configuration section, enter the information for the node you want to create.
    The following table describes the properties that you set for the node:
    Node Host name
    Host name for the node. The node host name cannot contain the underscore (_) character.
    Do not use localhost. The host name must explicitly identify the machine.
    Node name
    Name of the Informatica node to create on this machine. The node name is not the host name for the machine.
    Node port number
    Port number for the node.
    Database truststore file
    Path and file name of the truststore file for the secure database. Select the same database truststore file used by the master gateway node in the domain.
    Available when you join a gateway node to a domain that uses a domain configuration repository database that is secured with the SSL protocol.
    Truststore password
    Password for the database truststore file for the secure database.
    Available when you join a gateway node to a domain that uses a domain configuration repository database that is secured with the SSL protocol.
  37. Select whether to display the default ports for the domain and node components assigned by the installer.
    The following table describes the advanced port configuration page:
    Display advanced port configuration page
    Select whether to display the port numbers for the domain and node components assigned by the installer:
    1 - No
    2 - Yes
    If you select Yes, the installer displays the default port numbers assigned to the domain components. You can specify the port numbers to use for the domain and node components. You can also specify a range of port numbers to use for the service process that will run on the node. You can use the default port numbers or specify new port numbers. Verify that the port numbers you enter are not used by other applications.
  38. If you display the port configuration page, enter new port numbers at the prompt or press
    to use the default port numbers.
    Service Manager port
    Port number used by the Service Manager on the node. The Service Manager listens for incoming connection requests on this port. Client applications use this port to communicate with the services in the domain. The Informatica command line programs use this port to communicate to the domain. This is also the port for the SQL data service JDBC/ODBC driver. Default is 6006.
    Service Manager Shutdown port
    Port number that controls server shutdown for the domain Service Manager. The Service Manager listens for shutdown commands on this port. Default is 6007.
    Informatica Administrator port
    Port number used by Informatica Administrator. Default is 6008.
    Informatica Administrator HTTPS port
    No default port. Enter the required port number when you create the service. Setting this port to 0 disables an HTTPS connection to the Administrator tool.
    Informatica Administrator shutdown port
    Port number that controls server shutdown for Informatica Administrator. Informatica Administrator listens for shutdown commands on this port. Default is 6009.
    Minimum port number
    Lowest port number in the range of dynamic port numbers that can be assigned to the application service processes that run on this node. Default is 6014.
    Maximum port number
    Highest port number in the range of dynamic port numbers that can be assigned to the application service processes that run on this node. Default is 6114.
  39. Choose whether you want to configure a secure database. Press
    to configure a secure database, or press
    to skip the step.
  40. To configure JDBC connection information, press
    and enter the JDBC parameters. Press
    to skip configuring the JDBC connection.
  41. Choose the database type for the Model repository, and enter the credentials including the database user ID and user password.
  42. Optionally, configure the JDBC connection and its parameters.
  43. Enter the following information: Model Repository Service name , Data Integration Service name, and the port number for the Data Integration Service if you do not want to use the default value.
    MRS name
    Name of the Model Repository Service.
    DIS name
    Name of the Data Integration Service.
    HTTP protocol type
    Security protocol that the Data Integration Service uses.
    Port number.
    You see messages about creating Model Repository Service and Data Integration Service.
The Post-installation Summary indicates whether the installation completed successfully. You can view the installation log files to get more information about the tasks performed by the installer and to view configuration properties for the installed components.


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