Severity of messages to include in the logs. Select from one of the following values:
FATAL. Writes FATAL messages to the log. FATAL messages include nonrecoverable system failures that cause the service to shut down or become unavailable.
ERROR. Writes FATAL and ERROR code messages to the log. ERROR messages include connection failures, failures to save or retrieve metadata, service errors.
WARNING. Writes FATAL, WARNING, and ERROR messages to the log. WARNING errors include recoverable system failures or warnings.
INFO. Writes FATAL, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR messages to the log. INFO messages include system and service change messages.
TRACE. Write FATAL, TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR code messages to the log. TRACE messages log user request failures.
DEBUG. Write FATAL, DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR messages to the log. DEBUG messages are user request logs.
Location of the directory of log files.