Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Mappings
  3. Mapplets
  4. Mapping Parameters
  5. Where to Assign Parameters
  6. Mapping Outputs
  7. Generate a Mapping from an SQL Query
  8. Dynamic Mappings
  9. How to Develop and Run a Dynamic Mapping
  10. Dynamic Mapping Use Cases
  11. Mapping Administration
  12. Export to PowerCenter
  13. Import From PowerCenter
  14. Performance Tuning
  15. Pushdown Optimization
  16. Partitioned Mappings
  17. Developer Tool Naming Conventions

Developer Mapping Guide

Developer Mapping Guide

Dynamic Mapping

Dynamic Mapping

Create a mapping m_CustomerLoad and configure the following dynamic mapping functionality:
  • Read transformations that can read from dynamic sources
  • Dynamic ports in the downstream transformations that can pass new and changed columns
  • Write transformation that can write to dynamic targets
  • Run-time links that can connect ports to the Write transformation at run time
When you run the mapping, the Data Integration Service performs the following tasks:
  1. Fetches the structure of the data objects and metadata changes in the source files.
  2. Passes the new and changed columns to each transformation through dynamic ports.
  3. Connects the new and changed ports to the Write transformation.
  4. Writes the transformed data to the target.
The following image shows the objects in the mapping:
The mapping contains two Read transformations that represent the relational sources CUSTOMER and ORDERS. The mapping contains a Joiner transformation, an Aggregator transformation, and a Write transformation.
The mapping contains the following objects:
Read transformation that represents the relational source CUSTOMER. The relational table contains a separate row for each customer.
Read transformation that represents the relational source ORDERS. The relational table that contains a separate row for each customer order.
Joiner transformation that joins the CUSTOMER and ORDERS sources.
Aggregator transformation that aggregates the total customer orders.
Write transformation that represents the relational target CUSTOMERSUMMARY. The relational table contains a column for the mapping to write the aggregated value for total orders grouped by customer.


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