You can define a target schema strategy for the target table in the Write transformation.
You can select from the following target schema strategy options:
RETAIN - Retain existing target schema
The Data Integration Service retains the existing target schema.
CREATE - Create or replace table at run time
The Data Integration Service drops any existing target table associated with the write object and creates a table based on the data object or the mapping flow.
When the Data Integration Service creates a table based on the data object, the table contains columns that match the ports in the data object. If you create or replace the target at run time with a customized data object, the Data Integration Service creates a table with the name referenced in the data object connection.
When the Data Integration Service creates a table based on the mapping flow, the table contains columns that match generated ports in the Write transformation.
Assign Parameter
You can assign a parameter to represent the value for the target schema strategy and then change the parameter at run time.