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| Description
Error Severity Level
| Level of error logging for the domain. These messages are written to the Log Manager and log files. Specify one of the following message levels:
Default is INFO.
Resilience Timeout
| Number of seconds that the service tries to establish or reestablish a connection to another service. If blank, the value is derived from the domain-level settings.
Valid values are between 0 and 2,592,000, inclusive. Default is 180 seconds.
Limit on Resilience Timeouts
| Number of seconds that the service holds on to resources for resilience purposes. This property places a restriction on clients that connect to the service. Any resilience timeouts that exceed the limit are cut off at the limit. If blank, the value is derived from the domain-level settings.
Valid values are between 0 and 2,592,000, inclusive. Default is 180 seconds.
Timestamp Workflow Log Messages
| Appends a timestamp to messages that are written to the workflow log. Default is No.
Allow Debugging
| Allows you to run debugger sessions from the Designer. Default is Yes.
| Writes to all logs using the UTF-8 character set.
Disable this option to write to the logs using the PowerCenter Integration Service code page.
This option is available when you configure the PowerCenter Integration Service to run in Unicode mode. When running in Unicode data movement mode, default is Yes. When running in ASCII data movement mode, default is No.
Use Operating System Profiles
| Enables the use of operating system profiles. You can select this option if the PowerCenter Integration Service runs on UNIX. To apply changes, restart the PowerCenter Integration Service.
| Enter the value for TrustStore using the following syntax:
For example:
| Enter the value for ClientStore using the following syntax:
For example:
| Enter the JCEProvider class name to support NTLM authentication.
For example:
| Ignores task resource requirements when distributing tasks across the nodes of a grid. Used when the PowerCenter Integration Service runs on a grid. Ignored when the PowerCenter Integration Service runs on a node.
Enable this option to cause the Load Balancer to ignore task resource requirements. It distributes tasks to available nodes whether or not the nodes have the resources required to run the tasks.
Disable this option to cause the Load Balancer to match task resource requirements with node resource availability when distributing tasks. It distributes tasks to nodes that have the required resources.
Default is Yes.
Run sessions impacted by dependency updates
| Runs sessions that are impacted by dependency updates. By default, the PowerCenter Integration Service does not run impacted sessions. When you modify a dependent object, the parent object can become invalid. The PowerCenter client marks a session with a warning if the session is impacted. At run time, the PowerCenter Integration Service fails the session if it detects errors.
Persist Run-time Statistics to Repository
| Level of run-time information stored in the repository. Specify one of the following levels:
To store session performance details in the repository, you must also configure the session to collect performance details and write them to the repository.
The PowerCenter Workflow Monitor shows run-time statistics stored in the repository.
Flush Session Recovery Data
| Flushes session recovery data for the recovery file from the operating system buffer to the disk. For real-time sessions, the PowerCenter Integration Service flushes the recovery data after each flush latency interval. For all other sessions, the PowerCenter Integration Service flushes the recovery data after each commit interval or user-defined commit. Use this property to prevent data loss if the PowerCenter Integration Service is not able to write recovery data for the recovery file to the disk.
Specify one of the following levels:
Required if you enable session recovery.
Default is Auto.
If you select Yes or Auto, you might impact performance.
Store High Availability Persistence in Database
| Enables the PowerCenter Integration Service to store process state information in the high availability persistence tables in the PowerCenter repository database.
The process state information contains information about which node was running the master PowerCenter Integration Service and which node was running the sessions.
Default is no.
This property does not determine where the service stores the state of operation files used for recovery. The PowerCenter Integration Service always stores the state of each workflow and session operation in files in the $PMStorageDir directory of the PowerCenter Integration Service process.