Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Mappings
  3. Mapplets
  4. Mapping Parameters
  5. Where to Assign Parameters
  6. Mapping Outputs
  7. Generate a Mapping from an SQL Query
  8. Dynamic Mappings
  9. How to Develop and Run a Dynamic Mapping
  10. Dynamic Mapping Use Cases
  11. Mapping Administration
  12. Export to PowerCenter
  13. Import From PowerCenter
  14. Performance Tuning
  15. Pushdown Optimization
  16. Partitioned Mappings
  17. Developer Tool Naming Conventions

Developer Mapping Guide

Developer Mapping Guide

Comparing the Output of the Data Integration Service and Sources

Comparing the Output of the Data Integration Service and Sources

The Data Integration Service and sources can produce different results when processing the same transformation logic. When the Data Integration Service pushes transformation logic to the source, the output of the transformation logic can be different.
The output of the transformation logic can be different in the following cases:
Case sensitivity
The Data Integration Service and a database can treat case sensitivity differently. For example, the Data Integration Service uses case-sensitive queries and the database does not. A Filter transformation uses the following filter condition: IIF(col_varchar2 = ‘CA’, TRUE, FALSE). You need the database to return rows that match ‘CA.’ However, if you push this transformation logic to a database that is not case sensitive, it returns rows that match the values ‘Ca,’ ‘ca,’ ‘cA,’ and ‘CA.’
Numeric values converted to character values
The Data Integration Service and a database can convert the same numeric value to a character value in different formats. The database might convert numeric values to an unacceptable character format. For example, a table contains the number 1234567890. When the Data Integration Service converts the number to a character value, it inserts the characters ‘1234567890.’ However, a database might convert the number to ‘1.2E9.’ The two sets of characters represent the same value.
Date formats for TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions
The Data Integration Service uses the date format in the TO_CHAR or TO_DATE function when the Data Integration Service pushes the function to the database. Use the TO_DATE functions to compare date or time values. When you use TO_CHAR to compare date or time values, the database can add a space or leading zero to values such as a single-digit month, single-digit day, or single-digit hour. The database comparison results can be different from the results of the Data Integration Service when the database adds a space or a leading zero.
The Data Integration Service and a database can have different precision for particular datatypes. Transformation datatypes use a default numeric precision that can vary from the native datatypes. The results can vary if the database uses a different precision than the Data Integration Service.
When you use the SYSTIMESTAMP, the Data Integration Service returns the current date and time for the node that runs the service process. However, when you push the transformation logic to the database, the database returns the current date and time for the machine that hosts the database. If the time zone of the machine that hosts the database is not the same as the time zone of the machine that runs the Data Integration Service process, the results can vary.
If you push SYSTIMESTAMP to an IBM DB2 or a Sybase ASE database, and you specify the format for SYSTIMESTAMP, the database ignores the format and returns the complete time stamp.
When you push LTRIM, RTRIM, or SOUNDEX to a database, the database treats the argument (' ') as NULL, but the Data Integration Service treats the argument (' ') as spaces.
LAST_DAY function on Oracle source
When you push LAST_DAY to Oracle, Oracle returns the date up to the second. If the input date contains subseconds, Oracle trims the date to the second.

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