| Description
| The run instance of the mass ingestion specification is completed. All data is ingested to the target successfully.
| The run instance of the mass ingestion specification failed. Some data failed to be ingested to the target.
| The run instance of the mass ingestion specification is running. Some data is being ingested to the target.
| The run instance of the mass ingestion specification is aborted. The run instance was aborted from the command line.
| The run instance of the mass ingestion specification is canceled. The jobs to ingest some source tables in the mass ingestion specification are canceled on the Data Integration Service.
| The run instance of the mass ingestion specification is queued. The jobs to ingest some source tables in the mass ingestion specification are queued on the Data Integration Service.
| The status of the mass ingestion specification run instance is unknown. The Mass Ingestion Service cannot fetch the status of the run instance.
The status for the run instance might display
Unknown in the following circumstances: