Data Engineering Integration
- Data Engineering Integration 10.2.2 Service Pack 1
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Hierarchical Conversion Wizard
| When to Use
Create Struct Port
| To convert relational and hierarchical data to struct data. For example, you want to convert data in one or more columns of any data type to hierarchical data column of type struct.
Create Nested Complex Port
| To convert relational and hierarchical data in two tables to a nested struct data. You can select one or more columns of any data type. For example, you want to convert data in columns from two tables to a hierarchical data column of type struct with a nested schema. The wizard creates a struct with an array of structs.
Extract from Complex Port
| To convert hierarchical data to relational data or modify the hierarchical data. For example, you want to perform the following conversions:
Flatten Complex Port
| To convert hierarchical data to relational data. For example, you want to convert one or more elements of a hierarchical data to relational data columns.