Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica Big Data Management
  3. Mappings
  4. Sources
  5. Targets
  6. Transformations
  7. Data Preview
  8. Cluster Workflows
  9. Profiles
  10. Monitoring
  11. Hierarchical Data Processing
  12. Hierarchical Data Processing Configuration
  13. Hierarchical Data Processing with Schema Changes
  14. Intelligent Structure Models
  15. Stateful Computing
  16. Connections
  17. Data Type Reference
  18. Function Reference

Complex Data Type Definitions

Complex Data Type Definitions

A complex data type definition represents the schema of the data. Use complex data type definitions to define the schema of the data for a struct port. If the complex port is of type struct or contains elements of type struct, you must specify the type configuration to reference a complex data type definition.
You can create or import complex data type definitions. You import complex data type definitions from complex files. Complex data type definitions are stored in the type definition library, which is a Model repository object.
When you create a mapping or a mapplet, the Developer tool creates a type definition library with the name Type_Definition_Library. You can view and rename the type definition library and the complex data type definitions in the Outline view of a mapping. The complex data type definitions appear on the type definition library tab of the mapping editor. The tab name is based on the name of the type definition library. You create or import complex data type definitions on the type definition library tab. When a mapping uses one or more mapplets, rename the type definition libraries in the mapping and the mapplets to ensure that the names are unique.
Type definition library and complex data type definitions are specific to a mapping or mapplet. A mapping or a mapplet can have one or more complex data type definitions. You can reference the same complex data type definition in one or more complex ports in the mapping or mapplet.

Complex Data Type Definition Example

The complex ports work_address and home_address of type struct have the following schema:
{street:string, city:string, state:string, zip:integer}
In the mapping, you create a complex data type definition typedef_adrs that defines the schema of the data. Then, you specify the type configuration of the struct ports work_address and home_address to use the typedef_adrs complex data type definition.
The following image shows a complex data type definition typedef_adrs:
The Type Definition Library tab of the mapping contains a complex data type definition typedef_adrs. The Types tab in the Properties view of the complex data type definition lists the complex data type definition elements and the data types of the elements. The complex data type definition contains the following elements: street, city, and state of type string and zip of type integer.
The following image shows two struct ports work_address and home_address that reference the complex data type definition typedef_adrs:
The Ports tab displays five ports. The type configuration column for the two struct ports work_address and home_address show the complex data type definition typedef_adrs.


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