Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Hadoop Integration
  3. Part 2: Databricks Integration
  4. Appendix A: Managing Distribution Packages
  5. Appendix B: Connections Reference

Uninstall for Hortonworks HDP

Uninstall for Hortonworks HDP

To uninstall the stack deployment of Big Data Management, you use the Ambari configuration manager to stop and deregister the Big Data Management service, and then perform manual removal of Informatica files from the cluster.
  1. In the Ambari configuration manager, select
    from the list of services.
  2. Click the
    Service Actions
    dropdown menu and select
    Delete Service
  3. To confirm that you want to delete Informatica Big Data Management, perform the following steps:
    1. In the
      Delete Service
      dialog box, click
    2. In the Confirm Delete dialog box, type
      and then click
    3. When the deletion process is complete, click
    Ambari stops the Big Data Management service and deletes it from the listing of available services.
    To fully delete Big Data Management from the cluster, continue with the next steps.
  4. In a command window, delete the
    folder from the following directory on the name node of the cluster:
    /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/<Hadoop distribution>/<Hadoop version>/services/
  5. Delete the
    folder from the following location on all cluster nodes where it was installed:
    /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/<Hadoop distribution>/<Hadoop version>/services
  6. Perform the following steps to remove RPM binary files:
    1. Run the following command to determine the name of the RPM binary archive:
      rpm -qa |grep Informatica
    2. Run the following command to remove RPM binary files:
      rpm -ev <output_from_above_command>
      For example:
      rpm -ev InformaticaHadoop-10.1.1-1.x86_64
  7. Repeat the previous step to remove RPM binary files from each cluster node.
  8. Delete the following directory, if it exists, from the name node and each client node:
  9. Repeat the last step on each cluster node where Big Data Management was installed.
  10. On the name node, restart the Ambari server.


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