Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Installation Getting Started
  3. Part 2: Before You Install the Services
  4. Part 3: Run the Services Installer
  5. Part 4: After You Install the Services
  6. Part 5: Informatica Client Installation
  7. Part 6: Uninstallation
  8. Appendix A: Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  9. Appendix B: Managing Distribution Packages
  10. Appendix C: Connecting to Databases from UNIX or Linux
  11. Appendix D: Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation for Data Engineering

Installation for Data Engineering

Configure Locale Environment Variables

Configure Locale Environment Variables

Verify that the locale setting is compatible with the code page for the repository. If the locale setting is not compatible with the repository code page, you cannot create an application service.
Use LANG, LC_CTYPE, or LC_ALL to set the UNIX or Linux code page.
Different operating systems require different values for the same locale. The value for the locale variable is case sensitive.
Use the following command to verify that the value for the locale environment variable is compatible with the language settings for the machine and the type of code page you want to use for the repository:
locale -a
The command returns the languages installed on the operating system and the existing locale settings.
Set the following locale environment variables:
Locale on Linux
All UNIX operating systems except Linux have a unique value for each locale. Linux allows different values to represent the same locale. For example, “utf8,” “UTF-8,” “UTF8,” and “utf-8” represent the same locale on a Linux machine. Informatica requires that you use a specific value for each locale on a Linux machine. Make sure that you set the LANG environment variable appropriately for all Linux machines.
Locale for Oracle database clients
For Oracle database clients, set NLS_LANG to the locale that you want the database client and server to use with the login. A locale setting consists of the language, territory, and character set. The value of NLS_LANG depends on the configuration.
For example, if the value is american_america.UTF8, set the variable in a C shell with the following command:
setenv NLS_LANG american_america.UTF8
To read multibyte characters from the database, set the variable with the following command:
setenv NLS_LANG=american_america.AL32UTF8
You must set the correct variable on the Data Integration Service machine so that the Data Integration Service can read the Oracle data correctly.


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