Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Installation Getting Started
  3. Part 2: Before You Install the Services
  4. Part 3: Run the Services Installer
  5. Part 4: After You Install the Services
  6. Part 5: Informatica Client Installation
  7. Part 6: Uninstallation
  8. Appendix A: Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  9. Appendix B: Managing Distribution Packages
  10. Appendix C: Connecting to Databases from UNIX or Linux
  11. Appendix D: Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation for Data Engineering

Installation for Data Engineering

Service Principal Requirements at Process Level

Service Principal Requirements at Process Level

If the Informatica domain requires a high level of security, create a separate SPN and keytab file for each node and each service in the node.
The Informatica domain requires SPNs and keytab files for the following components at process level:
Principal distinguished name (DN) for the LDAP directory service
Principal name for the bind user DN that is used to search the LDAP directory service. The name of the keytab file must be
Node process
Principal name for the Informatica node that initiates or accepts authentication calls.
Informatica Administrator service
Principal name for the Informatica Administrator service that authenticates the service with other services in the Informatica domain. The name of the keytab file must be
HTTP processes in the domain
Principal name for all web application services in the Informatica domain, including Informatica Administrator. The browser uses this principal name to authenticate with all HTTP processes in the domain. The name of the keytab file must be
Service process
Principal name for the service that runs on a node in the Informatica domain. Each service requires a unique service principal and keytab file name.
You do not need to create the SPNs and keytab files for the services before you run the installer. You can create the SPN and keytab file for a service when you create the service in the domain. The SPN and keytab file for a service must be available when you enable the service.


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