Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Installation Getting Started
  3. Part 2: Before You Install the Services
  4. Part 3: Run the Services Installer
  5. Part 4: After You Install the Services
  6. Part 5: Informatica Client Installation
  7. Part 6: Uninstallation
  8. Appendix A: Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  9. Appendix B: Managing Distribution Packages
  10. Appendix C: Connecting to Databases from UNIX or Linux
  11. Appendix D: Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation for Data Engineering

Installation for Data Engineering

Configure the Model Repository Database

Configure the Model Repository Database

After you configure the domain and the node, you can configure the Model repository database properties.
  1. Enter the Model Repository Service name.
    Enter the name of the service. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. It also cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
    ` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
    You cannot change the name of the service after you create it.
    If you selected process level SPN, specify the Model Repository Service keytab file. The keytab file for the Model Repository Service process. The keytab file must have the following name: .keytab
  2. Select the database to configure Model repository.
    The following table lists the databases you can configure Model repository:
    Database type
    Type of database for the Model repository. Select from the following options:
    1 - Oracle
    2 - Microsoft SQL Server
    3 - IBM DB2
    4 - PostgreSQL
  3. Enter the properties for the database user account.
    The following table lists the properties for the database user account:
    Database user ID
    Name of the Model repository database user account.
    You can enter the Windows NT user name for trusted connection on Microsoft SQL Server.
    User password
    Password for the Model repository user account.
    You can enter the Windows NT password for trusted connection on Microsoft SQL Server.
  4. Select whether to create a secure Model repository database.
    You can create a Model Repository Service in a database secured with the SSL protocol. To create a Model Repository Service in a secure database, press
    and skip to step to enter the JDBC information.
    To create a Model Repository Service in an unsecured database, press
  5. If you chose not to create a secured Model repository, enter the parameters for the database.
    1. If you select IBM DB2, select whether to configure a tablespace and enter the tablespace name.
      The following table describes the properties that you must configure for the IBM DB2 database:
      Configure tablespace
      In a single-partition database, if you select No, the installer creates the tables in the default tablespace. In a multi-partition database, you must select Yes.
      Select whether to specify a tablespace:
      1 - No
      2 - Yes
      Name of the tablespace in which to create the tables. Specify a tablespace that meets the pageSize requirement of 32768 bytes.
      In a single-partition database, enter the name of the tablespace in which to create the tables.
      In a multipartition database, specify the name of the non-partitioned tablespace that resides in the catalog partition of the database.
    2. If you select Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL, enter the schema name for the database.
      The following table describes the properties that you must configure for the database:
      Schema name
      Name of the schema that will contain domain configuration tables. If this parameter is blank, the installer creates the tables in the default schema.
    3. To enter the JDBC connection information using the JDBC URL information, press
      . To enter the JDBC connection information using a custom JDBC connection string, press
    4. Enter the JDBC connection information.
      • To enter the connection information using the JDBC URL information, specify the JDBC URL properties.
        The following table describes the database connection information:
        Database host name
        Host name for the database.
        Database port number
        Port number for the database.
        Database service name
        Service or database name :
        • Oracle: Enter the service name.
        • Microsoft SQL Server: Enter the database name.
        • IBM DB2: Enter the service name.
        • PostgreSQL: Enter the database name.
        Configure JDBC Parameters
        Select whether to add additional JDBC parameters to the connection string:
        1 - Yes
        2 - No
        If you select Yes, enter the parameters or press Enter to accept the default.
        If you select No, the installer creates the JDBC connection string without parameters.
      • To enter the connection information using a custom JDBC connection string, type the connection string.
        Use the following syntax in the JDBC connection string:
        IBM DB2
        jdbc:Informatica:db2://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=
        jdbc:Informatica:oracle://<host name>:<port number>;ServiceName=
        Use the following connection string to connect to the Oracle database through the Oracle Connection Manager:
        jdbc:Informatica:oracle:TNSNamesFile=<fully qualified path to the tnsnames.ora file>;TNSServerName=<TNS name>;
        Microsoft SQL Server
        jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port number>;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=
        Microsoft SQL Server with Windows NT credentials
        If you specified the Windows NT credentials for the Model repository database on Microsoft SQL Server, specify the connection string syntax to include the authentication method as NTLM.
        Microsoft SQL Server that uses the default instance with Windows NT credentials:
        "jdbc:informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=<database name>;SnapshotSerializable=true;authenticationMethod=NTLM"
        Microsoft SQL Server that uses a named instance with Windows NT credentials:
        "jdbc:informatica:sqlserver://<host name>\<named instance name>;DatabaseName=<database name>;SnapshotSerializable=true;authenticationMethod=NTLM"
        Microsoft Azure SQL Database
        jdbc:Informatica:sqlserver://<host name>:<port number>;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=<database name>;SnapshotSerializable=true;EncryptionMethod=SSL;HostNameInCertificate=*;ValidateServerCertificate=false
        Azure SQL Database with Active Directory authentication
        "jdbc:informatica: sqlserver://<host_name>:<port_number>;database=<database_name>;encrypt=true;AuthenticationMethod=ActiveDirectoryPassword;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=<seconds>"
        jdbc:Informatica:postgresql://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=
        Azure PostgreSQL
        jdbc:Informatica:postgresql://<host name>:<port number>;DatabaseName=<database name>;EncryptionMethod=SSL;ValidateServerCertificate=true;CryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2;
        Verify that the connection string contains all the connection parameters required by your database system.
Service Parameters
section appears.

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