Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Address Validation Status Ports
  4. Building and Residence Data Ports
  5. Business and Organization Data Ports
  6. City and Locality Data Ports
  7. Country Data Ports
  8. Customer Segmentation Data Ports
  9. Enrichment Data Ports
  10. Formatted Data Ports
  11. Postal Carrier Certification Data Ports
  12. Postcode Data Ports
  13. Province and State Data Ports
  14. Residual Data Ports
  15. Street Data Ports
  16. Supplementary Data Ports
  17. XML Ports

Address Validator Port Reference

Address Validator Port Reference

Postal Phrase Descriptor Ports

Postal Phrase Descriptor Ports

Input and output ports that describe a type of mailbox at a postal agency.
The postal phrase descriptor precedes the postal phrase number. Post Office Box (PO Box) number data is the most common type of postal phrase data. For example, the postal phrase in "PO Box 12345" is "PO Box."
The data in a Postal Phrase Descriptor port is a subset of the data in the corresponding Postal Phrase Complete port.
The postal phrase ports are related by number. For example, Postal Phrase Complete 1 contains the data in Postal Phrase Descriptor 1 and Postal Phrase Number 1.
The data in a Postal Phrase Complete port does not include the data in a corresponding Postal Phrase Additional Info port.

Postal Phrase Descriptor Usage

Select a Postal Phrase Descriptor input port if the input address contains "PO Box" and the postal phrase number in separate ports.
Select a Postal Phrase Descriptor output port to write the "PO Box" string to a separate port in the output data.
Consider the following guidelines when you use Postal Phrase Descriptor ports:
  • There are three Postal Phrase Descriptor ports. If an address record contains more than one PO Box, select additional Postal Phrase Descriptor ports.
  • Most countries use Postal Phrase Descriptor 1. You may need to select Postal Phrase Descriptor 2 or Postal Phrase Descriptor 3 if the postal phrase data is highly complex.
  • For each PO Box in an address, select a Postal Phrase Complete input port or select one or more of the Postal Phrase Descriptor or Postal Phrase Number input ports.
  • You can select all postal phrase data output ports.

Port Locations

The following table provides the location and default precision of the Postal Phrase Descriptor 1 port:
Port Type
Port Group
Template Model
Address Elements
The following table provides the location and default precision of the Postal Phrase Descriptor 2 and Postal Phrase Descriptor 3 ports:
Port Type
Port Group
Template Model
Address Elements

Postal Phrase Descriptor Example

The following table shows the Address Validator transformation ports that relate to postal phrase data in the address:
Contact Complete 1
Mr. John Doe
Organization Complete 1
DEF Inc.
Postal Phrase Complete 1
PO Box 2038
Postal Phrase Descriptor 1
PO Box
Postal Phrase Number 1
Postal Phrase Additional Info 1
"Sales Promotion"
Locality Complete 1
Province Country Standard 1
Postcode 1


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