A profile associates a workflow to a partner or account. It also defines the properties that customize that workflow to process documents for the associated partner or account.
When you set up a profile, use the following rules and guidelines to associate a workflow with a partner or account:
To process different types of documents for a partner or account, you can associate multiple workflows with a partner or account.
To process similar documents for different partners or accounts, you can associate a workflow with multiple partners or accounts. You can also associate a workflow with multiple accounts of the same partner.
Each profile must have a unique combination of application, workflow, partner, and account.
You cannot associate a partner or account with more than one workflow of the same application.
You cannot associate a workflow with a partner and an account of that partner. For example, PartnerOne has AccountOne and AccountTwo. If you create a profile to associate WorkflowOne with AccountOne, you can create another profile to associate WorkflowOne with AccountTwo. If you create a profile to associate WorkflowOne with PartnerOne, you cannot create a profile to associate WorkflowOne with AccountOne or AccountTwo.
You can set up a profile in the following ways:
Create a profile.
You can create a profile to associate a workflow with a partner or an account.
Copy a profile.
When you copy a profile, the new profile contains the same description, workflow, status, categories, and workflow parameters. You must associate the workflow with a different partner or account. If you plan to use the same workflow, description, and categories for a new profile, copying a profile can be a quicker way to create a profile.
The Workflow Parameters tab of the Profile page displays the list of parameters associated with a selected workflow. A developer sets up the workflow parameters when the creating a PowerCenter workflow. You can use these attributes to specify additional event information at run time.
Usually, an administrator sets up the event attributes on the Operation Console. Contact the B2B Data Exchange administrator for information about the event attribute requirements for a profile.