B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.4.0
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the MFT Connection.
| Provide a description for the MFT Connection.
| The host name or IP address of the server.
| Description
Proxy Type
| Managed File Transfer supports SOCKS (version 4 and 5), HTTP tunneling through an HTTP proxy and Managed File Transfer Gateway. Check with the network administrator for the correct proxy type.
| The host name (or IP address) of the proxy server on your network. This is only needed if your system uses a proxy server to make HTTP connections.
Alternate Host
| The host name or IP address of an alternate proxy server. The alternate proxy server is used when the primary proxy server is unavailable.
| The port number of the proxy server on your network. This is only needed if your network uses a proxy server to make HTTP connections.
| The user name (login name) to use for connecting to the proxy server. This is only needed if your network uses a proxy server to make HTTP connections.
| The password to use for connecting to the proxy server. This is only needed if your network uses a proxy server to make HTTP connections.
| Description
| The port number to use for connecting to the server. If left blank, the default port number is 80.
| The user name (login name) to use for connecting to the HTTP server. This is only needed if the HTTP server requires that the client be authenticated using either the BASIC or DIGEST authentication schemes.
| The password to use for connecting to the HTTP server. This is only needed if the HTTP server requires that the client be authenticated using either the BASIC or DIGEST authentication schemes.
Connection Timeout
| The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait when trying to establish a connection to the HTTP server. A timeout value of 0 (zero) is interpreted as an infinite wait time. If the field is left blank, then the default value of 60 seconds will be used.
Read Timeout
| The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a (read) response from the HTTP server. A timeout value of 0 (zero) is interpreted as an infinite wait time. If the field is left blank, then the default infinite value of 0 (zero) will be used.
SSL Context Protocol
| Specify the protocol to use when creating the SSLContext. The value depends on the security providers you have installed in the Java Runtime Environment. In most cases, the default value SSL is fine. However, on some IBM JRE implementations the default value does not work if the server to which you connect to does not support SSLv3.
Select whether the server is considered trusted so that validation will not be attempted using digital certificates. By default, this option is enabled.
The server is considered trusted and validation will not be attempted using digital certificates.
| If enabled, Managed File Transfer uses the default certificate that is defined in the Managed File Transfer default key store.
Client Certificate Alias
| A particular key within the default key store can be used for client authentication by indicating the key alias. The specified key will be used when required by the HTTPS server.