Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Pre-Installation Tasks
  5. B2B Data Exchange Installation
  6. Post-Installation Tasks
  7. Installing the Partners Portal on Non-B2B Data Exchange Nodes
  8. Upgrading B2B Data Exchange
  9. Starting and Stopping B2B Data Exchange
  10. Optional B2B Data Exchange Configuration
  11. Installing and Configuring the B2B Data Exchange Accelerator for Data Archive
  12. Uninstallation

B2B Data Exchange Installation and Configuration Guide

B2B Data Exchange Installation and Configuration Guide

Browsing Data with the Data Discovery Portal

Browsing Data with the Data Discovery Portal

Use the Data Discovery portal to search for and view events and their details. Use the
Browse Data
option to find information directly associated with the event itself, for example the start and complete time. This option provides a direct view of all the data that is available in the archived
B2B Data Exchange
  1. Log in to Accelerator.
  2. Click
    Data Discovery
    Browse Data
    Browse Data
    page appears.
  3. For the
    Archive Folder
    , select the relevant FAS folder.
  4. For the
    , select
    FAS Processing Data
  5. Select
    to search.
  6. Expand the
    Data Columns
  7. In the
    Available Columns
    panel, select the columns to be present in the search results.
  8. In the
    Where Clause
    panel, add any SQL conditions that need to be applied to the search. To check the SQL query, click
    Preview SQL
  9. Click
    The results panel appears with a list of the columns in each table in the entity.
  10. To export the data, select
    and then click


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