Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.5.4 - 10.5.4.x
  3. Part 2: Version 10.5.3 - 10.5.3.x
  4. Part 3: Version 10.5.2 -
  5. Part 4: Version 10.5.1 -
  6. Part 5: Versions 10.5 -
  7. Part 6: Versions 10.4.1 -
  8. Part 7: Versions 10.4 -
  9. Part 8: Versions 10.2.2 - 10.2.2 HotFix 1
  10. Part 9: Version 10.2.1
  11. Part 10: Version 10.2 - 10.2 HotFix 2

What's New and Changed (

What's New and Changed (

Prepare Avro and Parquet Files

Prepare Avro and Parquet Files

Effective in version 10.2.2 Service Pack 1, you can sample the hierarchal data in Avro and Parquet files you add to your project as the first step in data preparation. Enterprise Data Preparation converts the Avro or Parquet file structure into a flat structure, and presents the data in a worksheet that you use to prepare the data.
For more information, see the "Prepare Data" chapter in the
Informatica 10.2.2 Service Pack 1 Enterprise Data Preparation User Guide


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