Common Content for Data Integration
- Common Content for Data Integration 10.5.6
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| Description
| Name of the service. The name is not case-sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. The name cannot contain character spaces. The characters in the name must be compatible with the code page of the Model repository that you associate with the Catalog Service.
The name cannot contain the following special characters:
` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
| Description of the service. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
| Domain in which the service runs.
| License to assign to the Catalog Service. Select the license that you installed with Informatica.
| Node in the Informatica domain on which the Catalog Service runs. If you change the node, you must recycle the Catalog Service.
Backup Nodes
| If your license includes high availability, nodes on which the service can run if the primary node is unavailable.
| Description
Model Repository Service
| Model Repository Service to associate with the Catalog Service. The Model Repository Service manages the Model repository that Enterprise Data Catalog uses. If you update the property to specify a different Model Repository Service, recycle the Catalog Service.
User name
| The database user name for the Model repository.
| An encrypted version of the database password for the Model repository.
Security Domain
| Name of the security domain that includes the
User name .
| Description
| A unique HTTP port number used for each Data Integration Service process. The defaults is 8085.
Enable Transport Layer Security
| Indicates that the Catalog Service must use HTTPS. If you did not configure the Data Integration Service to use HTTPS, the Catalog Service does not start.
| Port number for the HTTPS connection.
Keystore File
| Path and file name of the keystore file. The keystore file contains the keys and certificates required if you use the SSL security protocol with Catalog Administrator. Required if you select Enable Transport layer Security.
When Enterprise Data Catalog creates the Catalog Service, Enterprise Data Catalog exports the keystore to a certificate and stores the certificate in the keystore directory. Ensure that you configure the read and write permissions on the directory for Enterprise Data Catalog to successfully store the certificate.
Keystore Password
| Password for the keystore file. Required if you select Enable Transport layer Security.
SSL Protocol
| Secure Sockets Layer protocol to use.
| Description
Cluster Type
| Select one of the following options to indicate the deployment type for Enterprise Data Catalog:
Hadoop Distribution
| Applicable if you select the
External Cluster option for
Cluster Type . Select one of the following options to specify the Hadoop distribution:
ZooKeeper Cluster URI
| Applies to external cluster. Multiple ZooKeeper addresses in a comma-separated list.
HDFS Namenode URI
| Applies to external cluster. The URI to access HDFS.
Use the following format to specify the NameNode URI in the Cloudera distribution: <Hostname>:<Port>
Yarn resource manager URI
| Applies to external cluster. The service within Hadoop that submits the MapReduce tasks to specific nodes in the cluster.
Use the following format: <Hostname>:<Port>
Yarn resource manager HTTPS or HTTP URI
| Applies to external cluster. https or http URI value for the Yarn resource manager.
History Server HTTP URI
| Applies to external cluster. Specify a value to generate YARN allocation log files for scanners. Catalog Administrator displays the log URL as part of task monitoring.
HDFS Service Name for High Availability
| Applies to highly available external cluster. Specify the HDFS service name.
Yarn resource manager scheduler URI
| Applies to external cluster. Scheduler URI value for the Yarn resource manager.
Service Cluster Name
| Applies to both internal and external clusters. Name of the service cluster. Ensure that you have a directory
/Informatica/LDM/<ServiceClusterName> in HDFS.
If you do not specify a service cluster name, Enterprise Data Catalog considers
DomainName_CatalogServiceName as the default value. You must then have the
/Informatica/LDM/<DomainName>_<CatalogServiceName> directory in HDFS. Otherwise, Catalog Service might fail.
Load Type
| Select any of the following options to specify the data size that you plan to load in the catalog:
See the
Tuning Enterprise Data Catalog Performance How-to-article for more information about data size, load types, and the performance tuning parameter values that Enterprise Data Catalog configures for each load type.
Enable Kerberos Authentication
| Select to enable Kerberos authentication for the external cluster.
HDFS Service Principal Name
| Applies to Kerberos authentication. Principal name for the HDFS Service.
YARN Service Principal Name
| Applies to Kerberos authentication. Principal name for the YARN Service.
Service Keytab Location
| Applies to Kerberos authentication. Path to the keytab file.
Kerberos Domain Name
| Applies to Kerberos authentication. Name of the Kerberos domain.
Enable Cluster SSL
| Select to enable SSL authentication for secure communication in the external cluster.
Solr Keystore
| Applies to SSL authentication. Path to the Solr keystore file.
Solr Keystore Password
| Applies to SSL authentication. Password for the Solr keystore file.
Receive Alerts through Email
| Applies to both internal and external clusters. Choose to receive email notifications on the Catalog Service status.
If you select this option, you must enable the Email Service.
For more information about enabling Email Service, see the
Administrator Reference for Enterprise Data Catalog guide.
Enable Catalog Service
| Applies to both internal and external clusters. Select the option to enable the Catalog Service.
Informatica Cluster Service
| Applies to internal cluster. Name of the Informatica Cluster Service, which is an application service that Enterprise Data Catalog uses in internal cluster deployment.