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| Description
Maximum Heap Size
| Amount of RAM allocated to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the Data Integration Service. Use this property to increase the performance. Append one of the following letters to the value to specify the units:
Consider increasing the heap size when the Data Integration Service needs to process large amounts of data.
For example, if the Data Integration Service runs workflows that create many Human tasks, increase the heap size to 1024 megabytes. If you work with rule specifications in the Analyst tool or the Developer tool, increase the heap size to at least 2048 megabytes.
JVM Command Line Options
| Java Virtual Machine (JVM) command line options to run Java-based programs. When you configure the JVM options, you must set the Java SDK classpath, Java SDK minimum memory, and Java SDK maximum memory properties.
Set jvm option -DcustomFlagForClassLoader=true, to enable custom class loading. Default is false.