Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Integration Hub
  3. PowerCenter Mappings and Workflows
  4. Data Engineering Integration and Streaming Mapping and Workflows
  5. Informatica Cloud Mappings and Tasks
  6. Data Integration Hub Workflows
  7. Data Integration Hub Transformations
  8. Forms Designer
  9. Data Integration Hub Publications and Subscriptions APIs
  10. Data Extraction APIs

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Sample Event Status API Responses

Sample Event Status API Responses

Response to a request to query the status of publication event 4003:
{ "responseCode": "SUCCESS", "eventId": 4003, "eventType": "Publication", "topicName": "top_120", "publicationName": "ng_pub_120_1", "applicationName": "app1", "eventStatus": "Complete", "eventStartTimeLong": 1431078308560, "eventEndTimeLong": 1431078313780, "isFinal": true, "isError": false, "sourceSuccessRows": 10, "sourceFailedRows": 0, "targetFailedRows": 0, "targetSuccessRows: 10}
Response to a request to query the status of aggregated subscription event 3009, which includes subscription events 3008 and 3007:
{ "responseCode": "SUCCESS", "eventId": 3009, "eventType": "Aggregated Subscription", "topicName": "topic1", "subscriptionName": "sub1", "applicationName": "app1", "eventStatus": "Complete", "eventStartTimeLong": 1431065700088, "eventEndTimeLong": 1431065704372, "referencedEventsList": "3008,3007" "isFinal": true, "isError": false, "sourceSuccessRows": 15, "sourceFailedRows": 0, "targetFailedRows": 0, "targetSuccessRows: 15 }
Response to a request to query the status of publication event 3016, where the publication process failed:
Response: { "responseCode": "SUCCESS", "eventId": 3016, "eventType": "Publication", "topicName": "top_120", "publicationName": "ng_pub_120_1", "applicationName": "app1", "eventStatus": "Error", "eventStartTimeLong": 1431066353202, "eventEndTimeLong": 1431066357162, "isFinal": true, "isError": true, "sourceSuccessRows": 2, "sourceFailedRows": 1, "targetFailedRows": 1, "targetSuccessRows: 2 "detailedMessage": "Error while copying several rows :\nSrcFailedRows: 1\nTgtFailedRows: 1\nSrcSuccessRows: 2\nTgtSuccessRows: 2\nPowerCenter workflow: s__DIH_pub_ng_pub_120_1\nPowerCenter session: s__DIH_pub_ng_pub_120_1\n\nCheck the PowerCenter session log for more information." }


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