Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to High Availability
  3. Set Up the High Availability Environment
  4. Configure JMS Discovery
  5. Configure RMI Connections
  6. Configure the Operation Console
  7. Configure an HTTP Load Balancer
  8. Configure the Dashboard and Reports
  9. Appendix A: Troubleshooting High Availability
  10. Appendix B: High Availability Log Messages
  11. Appendix C: Port Number Reference
  12. Appendix D: Glossary

High Availability Guide

High Availability Guide

Troubleshooting High Availability

Troubleshooting High Availability

This section contains solutions to common problems that you might encounter when you configure a high availability cluster.
After installing and configuring the
Data Integration Hub
server, the service does not start.
In the
file, change the value of the shutdown port to
. The file is located in the following directory:
. If the cluster is installed on multiple hosts, change the value of the shutdown port on all the cluster hosts.
One of the services in the cluster failed.
Restart all of the
Data Integration Hub
services on the node where the service failed.
When one of the nodes in the cluster fails while publications are running, the publications remain in Processing status indefinitely.
Perform the following actions:
  1. In the
    Event List
    page of the
    Data Integration Hub
    Operation Console, discard the publication events that are in Processing status.
  2. Run the publications again.
Perform the following actions:
  1. In the
    Event List
    page of the
    Data Integration Hub
    Operation Console, discard the publication events that are in Processing status.
  2. Run the publications again.
When one of the nodes in the cluster fails while subscriptions are running, the subscriptions remain in Processing status indefinitely.
Perform the following actions:
  1. For each subscription that is in Processing status, inspect the target to verify that some or all of the subscription data does not exist on the target. If the data exists, delete the data.
  2. In the
    Event List
    page of the
    Data Integration Hub
    Operation Console, reprocess the subscription events that are in Processing status.


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