Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to High Availability
  3. Set Up the High Availability Environment
  4. Configure JMS Discovery
  5. Configure RMI Connections
  6. Configure the Operation Console
  7. Configure an HTTP Load Balancer
  8. Configure the Dashboard and Reports
  9. Appendix A: Troubleshooting High Availability
  10. Appendix B: High Availability Log Messages
  11. Appendix C: Port Number Reference
  12. Appendix D: Glossary

High Availability Guide

High Availability Guide

JMS Discovery Overview

JMS Discovery

When you set up the high availability environment, you can configure the cluster to send and receive JMS messages. The JMS messages consist of documents and events that
Data Integration Hub
and PowerCenter process.
The following JMS discovery modes are available:
  • Unicast. Static discovery mode in which all of the machines in the cluster receive all of the incoming documents. Choose unicast mode if your network environment does not support multicast communication. Unicast discovery mode is strongly recommended.
  • Multicast. Dynamic discovery mode in which a single machine receives and routes all of the documents to all of the machines in the cluster. Choose multicast mode if you want to utilize a single point of entry to the cluster and do not want to manage the IP address of each node in the cluster separately.
To use multicast mode, you perform the multicast capability test to determine whether your network environment supports multicast communication.


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