Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using Metadata Manager
  3. Viewing Metadata
  4. Searching Metadata
  5. Working with Shortcuts and Folders
  6. Editing Metadata
  7. Working with Data Lineage
  8. Sharing Metadata
  9. Business Glossaries
  10. Using the URL API
  11. Configure the Web Browser
  12. Glossary

Metadata Manager User Guide

Metadata Manager User Guide

Metadata Manager Overview

Metadata Manager Overview

Informatica Metadata Manager is a web-based metadata management tool that you can use to browse and analyze metadata from disparate metadata repositories. Metadata Manager helps you understand and manage how information and processes are derived. It also helps you understand the fundamental relationships between information and processes, and how they are used.
Metadata Manager contains models that define the classes, attributes, and relationships for different types of metadata sources. Metadata Manager packages models for many application, business glossary, business intelligence, data integration, data modeling, and relational metadata sources. You can create custom models for metadata source types for which Metadata Manager does not package a model.
You create resources based on the models. Each resource represents a particular metadata source. Metadata Manager uses PowerCenter® workflows to extract metadata from a metadata source and load it into a centralized metadata warehouse called the Metadata Manager warehouse. After you load the metadata for a resource into the Metadata Manager warehouse, you can use Metadata Manager to browse and analyze the metadata for the resource.
Use Metadata Manager to complete the following tasks:
Browse and search metadata.
Browse and search the Metadata Manager warehouse and run data lineage analysis for the metadata in the Metadata Manager warehouse.
Create and edit custom models and attributes.
Create custom models to define the classes, attributes, and relationships for metadata sources for which Metadata Manager does not package a model. You can also add custom attributes to a model.
Create, edit, and load resources.
Create resources to represent the metadata from individual metadata sources. Each resource contains the properties required to connect to the metadata source, extract metadata from the source, and load the extracted metadata into the Metadata Manager warehouse.
You can monitor and schedule resource loads. You can also purge resource metadata from the Metadata Manager warehouse.
Manage user permissions.
Manage permissions on resources and metadata objects in the Metadata Manager warehouse.


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