Tableau is a business intelligence tool that allows you to connect to data and create sharable dashboards. Tableau has a desktop component and a server component. Metadata Manager can extract metadata from the server component of Tableau, Tableau Server.
Metadata Manager extracts metadata from Tableau Server through the Metadata Manager Agent. The Metadata Manager Agent uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol to log in to the server, send requests about workbooks and data sources, and extract metadata. The Metadata Manager Agent can extract objects such as projects, workbooks, and dashboards from Tableau. The Metadata Manager Agent extracts both published and unpublished worksheets in workbooks. The Metadata Manager Agent also extracts dependent data sources for workbooks.
Data sources in Tableau represent connections to data. The data can be located as a Tableau extract (.tde file) or in a live relational database. The Metadata Manager Agent imports both Tableau extracts and live data sources into Metadata Manager.