- PowerCenter 10.4.0
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
| String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.
| Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
| Domain where you want to create the connection.
| Connection type. Select Teradata PT.
User Name
| Teradata database user name with the appropriate read and write permissions to access the database.
| Password for the Teradata database user name.
Driver Name
| Name of the Teradata JDBC driver.
Connection String
| Connection string used to access metadata from the database.
jdbc:teradata://<hostname>/database=<database name>,tmode=ANSI,charset=UTF8
| Description
| Name or IP address of the Teradata database machine.
Database Name
| Teradata database name.
If you do not enter a database name, Teradata PT API uses the default login database name.
Data Code Page
| Code page associated with the database.
When you run a mapping that writes data to a Teradata target, the code page of the Teradata PT connection must be the same as the code page of the Teradata target.
Default is UTF-8.
| Number of hours that Teradata PT API continues trying to log on when the maximum number of operations run on the Teradata database.
Must be a positive, non-zero integer. Default is 4.
Max Sessions
| Maximum number of sessions that Teradata PT API establishes with the Teradata database.
Must be a positive, non-zero integer. Default is 4.
Min Sessions
| Minimum number of Teradata PT API sessions required for the Teradata PT API job to continue.
Must be a positive integer between 1 and the
Max Sessions value. Default is 1.
| Number of minutes that Teradata PT API pauses before it retries to log on when the maximum number of operations run on the Teradata database.
Must be a positive, non-zero integer. Default is 6.
Use Metadata JDBC URL for TDCH
| Indicates that the Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH) must use the JDBC URL that you specified in the connection string under the metadata access properties.
Default is selected.
Clear this option to enter a different JDBC URL that TDCH must use when it runs the mapping.
| Enter the JDBC URL that TDCH must use when it runs a Teradata mapping. Use the following format:
jdbc:teradata://<hostname>/database=<database name>,tmode=ANSI,charset=UTF8
This field is available only when you clear the
Use Metadata JDBC URL for TDCH option.
Data Encryption
| Enables full security encryption of SQL requests, responses, and data on Windows.
Default is disabled.
Additional Sqoop Arguments
| This property is applicable if you use a Hortonworks or Cloudera cluster, and run a Teradata mapping on the Blaze or Spark engine through Sqoop.
Enter the arguments that Sqoop must use to process the data. For example, enter
--method split.by.amp . Separate multiple arguments with a space.
See the Hortonworks for Teradata Connector and Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata documentation for a list of arguments that you can specify.
If you use Hortonworks for Teradata Connector, the --split-by argument is required if you add two or more source tables in the read operation. If you use Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata, the --split-by argument is required in the source connection if the source table does not have a primary key defined.
Authentication Type
| Method to authenticate the user.
Select one of the following authentication types:
Default is Native.