Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Product Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Tutorial Lesson 1
  5. Tutorial Lesson 2
  6. Tutorial Lesson 3
  7. Tutorial Lesson 4
  8. Tutorial Lesson 5
  9. Tutorial Lesson 6
  10. Appendix A: Naming Conventions
  11. Appendix B: Glossary

Getting Started

Getting Started

Creating a Folder

Creating a Folder

For this tutorial, you create a folder where you will define the data sources and targets, build mappings, and run workflows in later lessons.
  1. In the Repository Manager, click
  2. Enter your name prefixed by Tutorial_ as the name of the folder.
    By default, the user account logged in is the owner of the folder and has full permissions on the folder.
  3. Click
    The Repository Manager displays a message that the folder has been successfully created.
  4. Click
    The new folder appears in the repository.
    The following image shows the new folder in the Repository Manager:
    The Tutorial_UserName folder appears in the repository.
  5. Exit the Repository Manager.


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