- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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Delimited File Advanced Settings
| Description for Sources and Lookups
| Description for Targets
Column Delimiters
| Character used to separate columns of data. Delimiters can be either printable or single-byte unprintable characters, and must be different from the escape character and the optional quotes character. You can enter a single-byte unprintable character by browsing the delimiter list in the Delimiters dialog box.
You cannot select unprintable multibyte characters as delimiters. You cannot select the NULL character as the column delimiter for a flat file source.
| Character used to separate columns of data. Delimiters can be either printable or single-byte unprintable characters and must be different from the optional quotes character. You can enter a single-byte unprintable character by browsing the delimiter list in the Delimiters dialog box.
You cannot select unprintable multibyte characters as delimiters. If you enter more than one delimiter, the Integration Service uses the first delimiter you specify.
Treat Consecutive Delimiters as One
| If selected, the Integration Service treats one or more consecutive column delimiters as one. Otherwise, the Integration Service reads two consecutive delimiters as a null value.
| n/a
Treat Multiple Delimiters as AND
| If selected, the Integration Service treats a specified set of delimiters as one. For example, a source file contains the following record: abc~def|ghi~|~|jkl|~mno. By default, the Integration Service reads the record as nine columns separated by eight delimiters: abc, def, ghi, NULL, NULL, NULL, jkl, NULL, mno. If you select this option and specify the delimiter as ( ~ | ), the Integration Service reads the record as three columns separated by two delimiters: abc~def|ghi, NULL, jkl|~mno.
| n/a
Optional Quotes
| Select No Quotes, Single Quotes, or Double Quotes. Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings. Double Quotes is chosen by default.
If selected, the Integration Service ignores column delimiters within the quote characters.
For example, a source file uses a comma as a delimiter and the Integration Service reads the following row from the source file: 342-3849, ‘Smith, Jenna’, ‘Rockville, MD’, 6.
If you select the optional single quote character, the Integration Service ignores the commas within the quotes and reads the row as four fields.
If you do not select the optional single quote, the Integration Service reads six separate fields.
You can improve session performance if you do not set optional quotes or escape characters for the source file.
| Select No Quotes, Single Quotes, or Double Quotes. Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings. Double Quotes is chosen by default.
If you select a quote character, the Integration Service does not treat column delimiter characters within the quote characters as a delimiter.
For example, a target file uses a comma as a delimiter and the Integration Service writes the following row to the target file: 342-3849, ‘Smith, Jenna’, ‘Rockville, MD’, 6.
If you select the optional single quote character, the Integration Service ignores the commas within the quotes and writes the row as four fields.
If you do not select the optional single quote, the Integration Service writes six separate fields.
The Integration Service does not add optional quote characters to null values in a target file. For example, an input row in a source file contains three columns with a null value enclosed in quote characters in the second column. The Integration Service omits the quote characters and writes the row to the target file in the following format:
Code Page
| Code page of the file definition.
For source definitions, use a source code page that is a subset of the target code page. For lookup file definitions, use a code page that is a superset of the source code page and a subset of the target code page.
| Code page of the file definition.
Use a code page that is a superset of the source code page.
Row Delimiter
| Specify a line break character. Select from the list or enter a character. Preface an octal code with a backslash (\). To use a single character, enter the character.
The Integration Service uses only the first character when the entry is not preceded by a backslash. The character must be a single-byte character, and no other character in the code page can contain that byte. Default is line-feed, \012 LF (\n).
| n/a
Escape Character
| Character used to
escape a delimiter character in an unquoted string if the delimiter is the next character after the escape character. If selected, the Integration Service reads the delimiter character as a regular character embedded in the string, called
escaping the delimiter character.
You can improve session performance if the source file does not contain quotes or escape characters.
| n/a
Remove Escape Character From Data
| This option is selected by default. Clear this option to include the escape character in the output string.
| n/a
Number of Initial Rows to Skip
| Indicates the number of rows the Integration Service skips when it reads the file. Use this setting to skip blank or header rows.
| n/a