Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using the Designer
  3. Working with Sources
  4. Working with Flat Files
  5. Working with Targets
  6. Mappings
  7. Mapplets
  8. Mapping Parameters and Variables
  9. Working with User-Defined Functions
  10. Using the Debugger
  11. Viewing Data Lineage
  12. Comparing Objects
  13. Managing Business Components
  14. Creating Cubes and Dimensions
  15. Using the Mapping Wizards
  16. Appendix A: Datatype Reference
  17. Appendix B: Configure the Web Browser

Designer Guide

Designer Guide

Comparing Mappings and Mapplets  

Comparing Mappings and Mapplets  

You can compare two mappings or two mapplets. For example, if you have two mappings with the same name in different folders, you can compare them to see if they differ.
When you compare two mappings or two mapplets, a dialog box displays the results. Use the tabs on this dialog box to display the following information:
  • Summary information.
    View a summary of the differences between each mapping or mapplet on the Summary tab. You can save this information to a text file.
  • General information.
    Compare general information about each object such as name, description and validity on the Mappings or Mapplets tab. You can also compare general information about shortcut.
  • Instances.
    Compare the source, target, and transformation instances in each mapping or mapplet on the Instances tab. You can compare source, target, transformation, and mapplet instances of the same type. Instances with the same name appear on the same line. To compare the instances in detail, select an instance in each mapping or mapplet and click Compare Instances.
  • Links.
    Compare differences in incoming and outgoing links and the ports that connect the instance to other transformation instances using the Instances tab. To compare links, first compare instances in two mappings or mapplets. Then, click on an instance on the Instances tab and click Compare Links. To compare incoming links, click the Incoming Links tab. To compare outgoing links, click the Outgoing Links tab. To compare ports for each link, click on an link. If a port exists in both instances, it appears on the same line.
  • Parameters and variables.
    Compare the parameters and variables in each object on the Variables tab.
  • Target load orders.
    Compare the target load order in each mapping on the Target Load Order tab. The Designer does not display this tab when you compare mapplets.
  • Metadata extensions.
    Compare the metadata extensions in each mapping or mapplet on the Metadata Extensions tab.
The following table describes the method to compare mappings, mapplets, or instances in two mappings or mapplets:
To Compare...
Open the following tool...
Mapping Designer
Click Mappings > Compare.
Mapplet Designer
Click Mapplets > Compare.
Instances in two mappings
Mapping Designer
Click Mappings > Compare.
Instances in two mapplets
Mapplet Designer
Click Mapplets > Compare.
If one of the fields in this dialog box is blank or displays the name of an object you do not want to compare, click Browse to select an object.


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