Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Product Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Tutorial Lesson 1
  5. Tutorial Lesson 2
  6. Tutorial Lesson 3
  7. Tutorial Lesson 4
  8. Tutorial Lesson 5
  9. Tutorial Lesson 6
  10. Appendix A: Naming Conventions
  11. Appendix B: Glossary

Getting Started

Getting Started

Creating Target Definitions

Creating Target Definitions

The next step is to create the metadata for the target tables in the repository. The actual tables that the target definitions describe do not exist yet.
Target definitions define the structure of tables in the target database or the structure of file targets the Integration Service creates when you run a session. If you add a relational target definition to the repository that does not exist in a database, you need to create target table. You do this by generating and executing the necessary SQL code within the Target Designer.
In the following steps, you copy the EMPLOYEES source definition into the Target Designer to create the target definition. Then, you modify the target definition by deleting and adding columns to create the definition you want.
  1. In the Designer, click
    Target Designer
    to open the Target Designer.
  2. Drag the EMPLOYEES source definition from the Navigator to the Target Designer workspace.
    The Designer creates a target definition, EMPLOYEES, with the same column definitions as the EMPLOYEES source definition and the same database type.
    Next, modify the target column definitions.
  3. Double-click the title bar of the EMPLOYEES target definition to open it.
  4. Click
    and name the target definition T_EMPLOYEES.
    If you need to change the database type for the target definition, you can select the correct database type when you edit the target definition.
  5. Click the
    The target column definitions are the same as the EMPLOYEES source definition.
    The following image shows the
    tab for the target definition T_EMPLOYEES:
    The Columns tab includes Add and Delete buttons below the Select Table field.
    1. Add button
    2. Delete button
  6. Select the following columns and click the
    • JOB_ID
    • ADDRESS1
    • ADDRESS2
    • CITY
    • STATE
    • EMAIL
    The following image shows the final target definition when you finish creating the target definition:
    The target definition contains the following columns: EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, and OFFICE_PHONE.
    The EMPLOYEE_ID column is a primary key. The primary key cannot accept null values. The Designer selects Not Null and enables the Not Null option. You now have a column ready to receive data from the EMPLOYEE_ID column in the EMPLOYEES source table.
  7. Click
    to save the changes and close the dialog box.
  8. Click

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