Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Product Overview
  3. Before You Begin
  4. Tutorial Lesson 1
  5. Tutorial Lesson 2
  6. Tutorial Lesson 3
  7. Tutorial Lesson 4
  8. Tutorial Lesson 5
  9. Tutorial Lesson 6
  10. Appendix A: Naming Conventions
  11. Appendix B: Glossary

Getting Started

Getting Started

Creating a Reusable Session

Creating a Reusable Session

You can create reusable or non-reusable sessions in the Workflow Manager. Create reusable sessions in the Task Developer. When you create a reusable session, you can use it in multiple workflows. Create non-reusable sessions in the Workflow Designer. When you create a non-reusable session, you can use it only in that workflow.
In the following steps, you create a reusable session that uses the mapping m_PhoneList. Then, you create a workflow that uses the reusable session.
  1. In the Workflow Manager Navigator, double-click the tutorial folder to open it.
  2. Click
    Task Developer
    to open the Task Developer.
  3. Click
  4. Select Session as the task type to create.
  5. Enter s_PhoneList as the session name and click Create.
    dialog box appears.
    The following image shows the
    dialog box:
    The Mappings dialog box lists four mappings.
  6. Select the mapping m_PhoneList and click
    The Workflow Manager creates a reusable Session task in the Task Developer workspace.
  7. Click
    in the
    Create Task
    dialog box.
  8. In the workspace, double-click s_PhoneList to open the session properties.
  9. On the
    tab, select Sources in the Transformations pane on the left.
    The following image shows the
    tab for the session s_PhoneList:
    1. Open button
  10. In the Connections settings on the right, click the
    button in the Value column for the SQ_EMPLOYEES - DB Connection.
    The Relational Connection Browser appears.
  11. Select TUTORIAL_SOURCE and click
  12. Select Targets in the Transformations pane.
  13. In the Connections settings, click the
    button in the Value column for the T_EMPLOYEES - DB Connection.
    The Relational Connection Browser appears.
  14. Select TUTORIAL_TARGET and click
  15. In the Properties settings, change the Target Load Type to Normal.
  16. On the
    tab, select a session sort order associated with the Integration Service code page.
    For English data, use the Binary sort order.
    The following figure shows the Properties tab where you can configure the Binary sort order:
  17. Click
    to save and close the session properties.
    In this step, you use most of the default settings.
  18. Click
    to save the session to the repository.
You have created a reusable session. The next step is to create a workflow that runs the session.

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