Sizing Guidelines and Performance Tuning for Metadata Manager 10.0

Sizing Guidelines and Performance Tuning for Metadata Manager 10.0

Resource Load

Resource Load

The performance of Metadata Manager depends on the number of available CPUs and maximum heap size during resource load operations.
In general, the performance of Metadata Manager with a larger number of concurrent users increases as the number of CPUs and maximum heap size increases. The effect on load times does not include other factors, including searching and browsing operations during the metadata load.
Metadata Manager is a multithreaded application and can use up to 100% of CPU resources. If usage is at 100%, additional operations are serialized, which degrades Metadata Manager performance. As the number of concurrent users increases, additional CPUs are required to increase Metadata Manager performance.
Other factors that affect resource load performance include the speed of the network where Metadata Manager runs and the configuration of the source repositories. Slow network speeds or slow metadata source repositories also have a negative affect on load performance.

Tuning Resource Load Performance

Max Concurrent Resource Load
property for the Metadata Manager Services indicates the maximum number of resources that Metadata Manager can load simultaneously. If a resource load fails but can be resumed, Metadata Manager keeps the resource load in the queue until the timeout interval is exceeded. Default is 3. The maximum value for this property is 10.
Set the
Max Concurrent Resource Load
property for the Metadata Manager Service in the Administrator tool. For more information, see the
Informatica Application Service Guide

Metadata Manager Agent

The Metadata Manager Agent is a lightweight program that Metadata Manager uses to access metadata sources and extract source metadata. The metadata sources include source files or source repositories for certain business intelligence and data modeling tools.
If you load metadata from Business Objects, Cognos Impromptu, or Microstrategy, load metadata from metadata source files, or the Metadata Manager Service runs on a UNIX machine, you install and run the Metadata Manager Agent to load metadata. You install the Metadata Manager Agent as a service on a Windows machine.
You can configure the following Metadata Manager Agent properties:
  • Java Virtual Machine memory
  • Logging level
  • Validation level

Increase Java Virtual Machine Memory

If you want to load a large amount of metadata for a resource type that uses the Metadata Manager Agent, you can increase the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size to increase performance. For example, increase the JVM heap size to 1 GB if you load a large universe from Business Objects and receive the following error:
Not enough storage is available to process this command.
Maximum value for this parameter is 1 GB.
To increase the JVM heap size, perform the following steps:
  1. Open MIRSetup.xml from the following location in a text editor:
    <Metadata Manager Agent installation directory>/conf
  2. Add the following option to the <RunTime> section:
  3. Save MIRSetup.xml.
  4. Restart the Metadata Manager Agent.

Logging Level

During the metadata extraction process, Metadata Manager uses the Metadata Manager Agent to connect to metadata sources and extract metadata. Metadata Manager writes any log events generated during the metadata extraction process to the Metadata Manager Agent log file. The log events include calls to the Metadata Manager Agent from the Metadata Manager application and log events generated by the Metadata Manager Agent.
Metadata Manager writes to mm_agent.log in the following directory:
<INFA_HOME>/logs/<node name>/services/MetadataManagerService/<Metadata Manager service name>/
You can modify the logging level to change the type of events included in mm_agent.log. You can configure one of the following logging levels:
  • INFO
To modify the logging level, perform the following steps:
  1. Stop the Metadata Manager Agent.
  2. Open log4j.xml in a text editor. log4j.xml is located in the following directory:
  3. Edit the value attribute for the priority element under the
    The following example shows the logging level set to DEBUG:
    <category name="">
    <priority value="DEBUG" />
    <appender-ref ref="FILE_MMAGENT"/> </category>
  4. Save log4j.xml.
  5. Restart the Metadata Manager Agent.


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