Installing and Configuring PowerCenter 10.2 in the AWS Cloud

Installing and Configuring PowerCenter 10.2 in the AWS Cloud

Network Prerequisites

Network Prerequisites

Before you deploy PowerCenter in the AWS cloud, verify that you have completed the following network prerequisites for PowerCenter.

Existing VPC Deployment

  • Ensure that the VPC has the DNS resolution enabled.
  • For the public subnet 1 or the public subnet 2, ensure that you attach the subnet to a route table attached to an internet gateway along with a local route to the VPC CIDR. Verify that you have set the Public IP assign property to yes for the subnet.
  • For the database subnets, enter atleast two subnets from different availability zones for a successful deployment. You must also attach the subnet to a route table with a local route to the VPC CIDR.

New VPC Deployment

  • For the availability zone, ensure that selected availability zone has sufficient capacity to create a new subnet, route table, and internet gateway.
  • Ensure that the VPC creation has not exceeded the supported limit.


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