Installing and Configuring PowerCenter 10.2 in the AWS Cloud

Installing and Configuring PowerCenter 10.2 in the AWS Cloud

Deploy PowerCenter into a New VPC

Deploy PowerCenter into a New VPC

You can create an end-to-end deployment that builds a new VPC with public and private subnets, and then deploys PowerCenter into that infrastructure.
  1. The
    home page opens the
    Create Stack
    pane on the left. Stack is a logical representation of AWS deployment. In the
    Select Template
    section, you can design or choose a template. In the
    Choose a template
    section, ensure that the default Amazon S3 template URL is selected.
  2. Click
  3. To create a stack instance in the
    Specify Details
    section, enter the
    stack name
    or retain the default name. In the
    section, enter appropriate values for Network Configuration, Amazon EC2 Configuration, Amazon RDS Configuration, and Informatica PowerCenter Configuration.
    The following table describes the parameters for the Network Configuration:
    Availability Zones
    Specify two availability zones to deploy PowerCenter in the logical order to specify.
    Ensure that the selected availability zone has sufficient capacity to create a new subnet, route table, and internet gateway.
    Enter CIDR block for the VPC. When you create a VPC, you must specify a range of IPv4 addresses for the VPC in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block. You can also optionally assign an IPv6 CIDR block to your VPC, and assign IPv6 CIDR blocks to your subnets.
    Ensure that you have not reached the VPC limit on the account.
    Default is
    Private Subnet 1 CIDR
    Enter CIDR block for the private subnet located in Availability Zone 1.
    Default is
    Private Subnet 2 CIDR
    Enter CIDR block for the private subnet located in Availability Zone 2.
    Default is
    Public Subnet 1 CIDR
    Enter CIDR block for the public subnet located in Availability Zone 1.
    Default is
    Public Subnet 2 CIDR
    Enter CIDR block for the public subnet located in Availability Zone 2.
    Default is
    Allowed Remote Access CIDR
    Enter the permitted CIDR IP range to access the Informatica domain.
    Recommended to use a constrained CIDR range to reduce the potential of inbound attacks from unknown IP addresses.
    For example, if your IPv4 address is, specify to list this single IPv4 address in CIDR notation. If your organization allocates addresses from a range, specify the entire range, such as
    The following table describes the parameters for Amazon EC2 Configuration:
    Key Pair Name
    Select the public or private key pair to securely connect to your instance after the instance launches. When you created an AWS account, this is the key pair that you created in your preferred region.
    Informatica Domain Instance Type
    Select the EC2 instance type for the instance that hosts the Informatica domain.
    Default is c5.xlarge.
    Number of Instances
    Enter the number of PowerCenter nodes you want to provision. You can choose from 1, 2, or up to 16 nodes (in multiples of 2) to be part of the domain. Each node runs on a single EC2 instance.
    Default is 1.
    Enable Elastic IP Addressing
    Select No if you do not want to assign Elastic IP addresses to instances.
    Default is Yes.
    Create Elastic File System
    Linux configuration to create shared storage for your instances with Amazon EFS if it is available in the specified region.
    The following table describes the parameters for Amazon RDS Configuration:
    Database Type
    Enter the type of database to use in Amazon RDS. Supported types are Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.
    Default is SQLServer-Standard-Edition-2016-License-Included.
    Database Name
    Enter the database name for the RDS instance.
    Default is InfaDB.
    Database Username
    Enter the user name for the Amazon RDS database account (2-30 characters).
    Database Password
    Enter the password for the Amazon RDS database account (8-30 characters).
    You can use alphanumeric characters and underscore. Start the password with an alphabetic character.
    Confirm Password
    Re-enter the password you specified for the Database Password parameter.
    The following table describes the parameters for Informatica PowerCenter Configuration:
    Informatica Domain Name
    Enter the name for the Informatica domain.
    Default is InfaDomain.
    Informatica Node Prefix
    Enter the prefix for the nodes in the Informatica domain. The node number gets added to the string, such as Infa1 and Infa2.
    Default is Infa.
    Informatica Administrator Username
    Enter the user name of the administrator account for Informatica PowerCenter.
    Default is Administrator.
    Informatica Administrator Password
    Enter the administrator password for accessing PowerCenter. The string is 8-30 characters long, with at least one special character, one number, one uppercase character, and one lowercase character. You cannot specify double quotes ("), ampersands (&), and dollar signs ($).
    Confirm Password
    Re-enter the password you specified for the Informatica Administrator Password parameter.
    Encryption Key Phrase
    Enter the base word for generating an encryption key for the Informatica domain. Ensure that the string is 8-20 characters long, with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number, and without containing any spaces.
    Informatica License Key
    Required. If you have an existing PowerCenter license, specify the public URL to the S3 bucket where you have stored the license key file.
  4. Click
  5. On the
    page, you can optionally specify tags (key-value pairs) for resources in your stack. Or, you can go to
    , and set
    Rollback on failure
    to view the logs if there is a failure.
  6. Click
  7. In the
    section, you can review all the parameters you entered and confirm the template settings.
    You can also check cost and billing details.
  8. To deploy the stack, click
    Amazon AWS begins to create the stack. Amazon AWS displays the CloudFormation dashboard.
  9. Monitor the status of the stack. When the status is
    , the deployment is complete.
  10. You can use the URL displayed on the
    tab for the stack to view the created resources for the database and VM details. You can also view log info on the
    tab and parameters information on the
  11. Use the following URL syntax to connect to the Administrator tool:
    http://<<PowerCenter Domain Node Public IP address>>:6008/administrator
    For example,


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