Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  3. PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuration
  4. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sources and Targets
  5. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Application Source Qualifiers
  6. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sessions
  7. Appendix A: Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Transformation Data Types

PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Guide for PowerCenter

PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Guide for PowerCenter

Alternate Key as Reference

Alternate Key as Reference

You can specify an alternate key as reference for Lookup, Customer, Owner, and PartyList data types.
Use the following format to specify an alternate key as reference for Lookup, Customer, and Owner data types:
<entity_name>:alternate_key(<Lower Case Field Name 1: Value>,..., <Lower Case Field Name N: Value>)
For example,
contact:alternate_key(firstname:Account_Contact_alterkey 1,
Use the following XML format to specify an alternate key as reference for a PartyList entity:
<EntityCollection> <Entity Name="activityparty"> <Attribute Name="partyid" Value="<entity_name>:alternate_key (<Lower Case Field Name 1: Value>,...,<Lower Case Field Name N: Value>)"/> <Attribute Name="participationtypemask" Value="2"/> <Attribute Name="activitypartyid" Value="<entity_name>:alternate_key (<Lower Case Field Name 1: Value>,...,<Lower Case Field Name N: Value>)"/> </Entity> <Entity Name="activityparty"> <Attribute Name="partyid" Value="<entity_name>:alternate_key (<Lower Case Field Name 1: Value>,...,<Lower Case Field Name N: Value>)"/> <Attribute Name="participationtypemask" Value="2"/> <Attribute Name="activitypartyid" Value="<entity_name>:alternate_key (<Lower Case Field Name 1: Value>,...,<Lower Case Field Name N: Value>)"/> </Entity> </EntityCollection>


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