The BAPI/RFC transformation is an active transformation. It can process data in mySAP applications. Use a BAPI/RFC transformation to make a BAPI/RFC call in SAP. BAPI/RFC calls include requests to the SAP system, such as creating, changing, or deleting data in mySAP applications. For example, if you want to update sales order data in SAP, create a BAPI/RFC transformation from the function BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE.
BAPI/RFC functions use function parameter values to perform tasks. They can have the following parameters:
Scalar input parameters.
Scalar input values. Some BAPI functions require scalar input values to perform tasks. For example, some BAPI functions require scalar inputs to change data.
Scalar output parameters.
Scalar output values that a BAPI function returns after performing a task.
Table parameters.
SAP structures with more than one row. Table parameters can be input, output, or both. Input table parameters pass table input values to a BAPI/RFC function. For example, some BAPI/RFC functions to change data require table inputs.
The BAPI/RFC transformation can contain the following groups:
Scalar input.
Input group for scalar parameters. It contains a port for each scalar input parameter. The group name is SCALAR_INPUT.
Table type scalar input.
Input group for table type parameters. It contains one port for table type parameters and one Integration ID port. The group name is TTYPE_<parameter name>.
Table input.
One group for each table parameter. The ports represent import structures. The group name is TABLE_INPUT_<structure name>. For example, TABLE_INPUT_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS.
Scalar output.
Output group for scalar parameters. It contains a port for each scalar output parameter. The group name is SCALAR_OUTPUT.
Table type scalar output.
Output group for table type parameters. It contains one port for table type parameters and one Integration ID port. The group name is TTYPE_<parameter name>.
Table output.
One group for each table parameter. The ports represent output structures. The group name is TABLE_OUTPUT_<structure name>.
Error output.
Passes data from data conversion errors and invalid BAPI/RFC calls.
All groups, except the error output group, contain an Integration ID port that requires an input value.