To a consumer application, all messages that use the wrapper schema appear to have the same four-field format. The metadata fields are for the change sequence number, the source
value from the extraction map name, and the change operation type.
A single wrapper schema can be used to send messages to Kafka that contain change data from different source objects, using different Avro schema formats. When the consumer application reads the Kafka messages, it parses the underlying data and puts it in the Avro format designated in the wrapped child schema field.
As compared with the Avro generic schema format, a wrapper schema results in smaller messages because it adds only the source
in each message instead of both the column name and type. Also, the wrapper schema maintains the column data types rather than using the generic "string" type for all columns with data.
To process the data in Kafka messages based on this schema format, the consumer application must parse the messages to get the source
and then find the Avro flat, nested, or generic schema that matches that name value by using their own methods.
A wrapper schema has the following format:
"type" : "record",
"name" : "InfaAvroWrapperSchema",
"fields" : [
{"name" : "INFA_SEQUENCE","type" : [ "null", "string" ], "default" : null},
{"name" : "INFA_TABLE_NAME", "type" : [ "null", "string" ],"default" : null},
{"name" : "INFA_OP_TYPE","type" : [ "null", "string" ],"default" : null},
{"name" : "ChildSchema","type" : [ "null", "string" ],"default" : null}