Informatica provides a platform-specific .zip file or .tar.gz file for installing PowerExchange CDC Publisher on a supported Linux or Windows system. To install PowerExchange CDC Publisher, you simply unzip or extract the compressed installation file.
Before you install PowerExchange CDC Publisher, perform the following tasks:
Get the PowerExchange CDC Publisher installation file for your operating system and a PowerExchange license key that enables the PowerExchange CDC Publisher option.
Confirm that your system meets the software requirements of PowerExchange CDC Publisher.
Check that you have sufficient disk space on your Linux or Windows system. Informatica recommends the following minimum amounts:
50 MB free disk space for the initial installation
200 MB for the contents of each PowerExchange CDC Publisher instance
subdirectory that you configure
After you install PowerExchange CDC Publisher, you must perform some initial system-setup tasks to prepare the PowerExchange CDC Publisher environment, such as configuring environment variables.