Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. PowerExchange CDC Publisher Overview
  3. Installing and Upgrading PowerExchange CDC Publisher
  4. PowerExchange CDC Publisher Key Concepts
  5. PowerExchange Change Capture Environment
  6. Target Messaging Systems
  7. Configuring PowerExchange CDC Publisher
  8. Streaming Change Data
  9. Monitoring PowerExchange CDC Publisher
  10. Administering PowerExchange CDC Publisher
  11. Command Reference for the Command-Line Utilities
  12. Avro Schema Formats
  13. Message Reference

User Guide

User Guide

Generating Statistics on CDC Publisher Processing

Generating Statistics on CDC Publisher Processing

You can use the PwxCDCInfo utility with the STATS parameter to generate statistics and state information for the topics to which the CDC Publisher sent messages and for CDC Publisher internal attributes for diagnostic use.
The statistics are cumulative from the start time of the PowerExchange CDC Publisher process. You can reset the internal statistics to their original values to determine the processing activity from the reset point going forward.
Before you issue the PwxCDCInfo command, ensure that the PowerExchange CDC Publisher process is running in a separate command line window.
  1. At the command prompt, enter the PwxCDCInfo command with the STATS=TOPIC or STATS=INTERNAL parameter. Include the optional INSTANCE parameter if the Publisher process is using an instance other than the default "instanceA" at
    pwxcdcpub_root installation
    Use the following syntax:
    You can issue the command from the
    subdirectory or from another location if you specified the PWXPUB_HOME environment variable.
    For the full command syntax, see PwxCDCInfo Utility - Command and Parameters.
The command output is displayed on screen. Optionally, you can direct the output to a file.
If you entered
, the output shows processing information for each topic that the CDC Publisher updated, including a count of messages sent to the topic and the last change operation type and sequence ID. The following example shows information for one updated topic:
Topic updated: abcd0006_SRC_ALLCHAR_16K PartitionID of the topic: 0 Count of messages sent: 8 Partition offset returned: 7 Message key: Source table name: d8collnam1.abcd0006_SRC_ALLCHAR_16K Type of last change event: INSERT_EVENT Sequence ID of last change:2,PWX_GENERIC,1,,2,3,D4002CA219131A000000000000002CA21913190000001F000037 C3000017000124000100000000000100000000,00,0000018DF3288319
The CDC Publisher generates the Sequence ID value and uses it internally to track the last change applied to the topic.
You can use the STATS=TOPIC RESET command to clear the statistics.
If you entered
, the output shows internal statistics and state information, by attribute, for each type of PowerExchange CDC Publisher child process. This information is primarily for diagnostic use by Informatica Global Customer Support and other technical staff. The following example shows a small portion of this report:
PARENT CHILD ATTRIBUTE VALUE DESCRIPTION Extract Extract Capture Consumer ErrorState false Extract Extract Capture Consumer IsRunningState true Extract Extract Capture Consumer IsSleepingState true Extract Extract Capture Consumer SleepDuration 2729102 Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputRecordsRead 4761 Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputBytesRead 10976086 Extract Extract Capture Consumer LastSequenceIn 2,PWX_GENERIC,1,,2,3,... Extract Extract Capture Consumer EventsSkippedOldSequence 1 Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputSchemaRecordsRead 10 Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputDMLRecordsRead 4728
The STATS=INTERNAL output is displayed in a wide format. For easier reading, direct the output to a file.
You can use STATS=INTERNAL RESET command to set the statistics back to their original values.
If you entered
, the output shows the same type of diagnostic information as the STATS=INTERNAL report with an additional description of each attribute. The following example shows a small portion of this report:
PARENT CHILD ATTRIBUTE VALUE DESCRIPTION Extract Extract Capture Consumer ErrorState false is True if the process is currently in error, false otherwise. Extract Extract Capture Consumer IsRunningState true True if the processing is running, false if it has stopped running. Extract Extract Capture Consumer IsSleepingState true True if the processing is sleeping, false if not. Extract Extract Capture Consumer SleepDuration 2596322 If sleeping, the current duration of that sleep (milliseconds). Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputRecordsRead 4761 The current number of input records consumed by this process. Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputBytesRead 10976086 The current number of bytes of input consumed by this process. Extract Extract Capture Consumer LastSequenceIn 2,PWX_GENERIC,1,,2,... The sequence value of the last operation read into this process. Extract Extract Capture Consumer EventsSkippedOldSequence 1 The number of incoming events skipped because their sequence indicates they were previously processed. Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputSchemaRecordsRead 10 The current number of input records of type Schema consumed by this process. Extract Extract Capture Consumer InputDMLRecordsRead 4728 The current number of input records of type DML (inserts, updates, deletes and truncates) consumed by this process.


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