PowerExchange CDC Publisher
- PowerExchange CDC Publisher 1.3
- All Products
pwxcdcpub_root_installation_directorybin instanceA checkpoint config logs overflow reports libs samples
| Description
| The product root installation directory that is created when you unzip or extract the compressed installation file for your operating system. The installation provides a version-specific root installation directory name. You can optionally change it to another unique name.
| Contains the script files for running the PowerExchange CDC Publisher utilities: PwxCDCAdmin, PwxCDCInfo, and PwxCDCPublisher.
| Contains the checkpoint, config, logs, overflow, and reports subdirectories for the default instance of PowerExchange CDC Publisher. You can create additional instance directories under other names such as instanceB or MyInstance, each with their own checkpoint, config, logs, overflow, and reports subdirectories.
| Contains the checkpoint files that record the sequence number of the last change operation that was successfully sent to the target messaging system. These files are used to restart apply processing from the last change operation processed, thereby avoiding missing or duplicate changes on the target.
| Contains the customized PowerExchange CDC Publisher configuration files that the PowerExchange CDC Publisher utilities use. Also contains the Log4j logging configuration file, PwxCDCPubLog4j.xml file, that configures the logging of PowerExchange CDC Publisher messages. You must copy the configuration files from the samples directory to this config directory to customize and use the files.
| Contains the active and archived log files with the PowerExchange CDC Publisher message output. The log files also contain PowerExchange error messages and optionally some PowerExchange informational messages.
| Contains PowerExchange CDC Publisher cache files in temporary storage.
| Contains output from PwxCDCAdmin Report command. This command reports the Avro schemas that have been generated for source tables. These schemas can be used by consumer applications.
| Contains the PowerExchange CDC Publisher shared libraries that include the .jar files and the .dll or .so files.
| Contains the sample PowerExchange CDC Publisher configuration files.
Informatica recommends that you retain the sample files "as is" so that they are available for re-use. Copy the files to the config subdirectory of the instance you intend to configure and then customize the file copies there.