Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Bulk Data Movement
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. Adabas Bulk Data Movement
  5. Datacom Bulk Data Movement
  6. DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
  7. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Bulk Data Movement
  8. DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement
  9. IDMS Bulk Data Movement
  10. IMS Bulk Data Movement
  11. Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Data Movement
  12. Oracle Bulk Data Movement
  13. Sequential File Bulk Data Movement
  14. VSAM Bulk Data Movement
  15. Writing Data with Fault Tolerance
  16. Monitoring and Tuning Options

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Decrypting Adabas Sources that Are Encrypted with a Cipher Code

Decrypting Adabas Sources that Are Encrypted with a Cipher Code

PowerExchange provides bulk data movement support for Adabas databases that are encrypted with a cipher code.
To enable support for Adabas cipher codes, perform the following actions:
  • Write a user exit program in Assembler or C that returns a result set with the information that PowerExchange requires to perform the decryption.
  • Include the START_UP_USER_EXIT statement in the DBMOVER configuration file on the PowerExchange Listener machine. This statement identifies the user exit program and programming language.
PowerExchange calls the user exit program each time the PowerExchange Listener starts or shuts down. At Listener startup, the exit program provides information for accessing one or more Adabas databases that are protected by an Adabas cipher code. At Listener shutdown, the exit program cleans up resources that the exit program allocated or used.
PowerExchange stores the cipher code in encrypted format in memory while the PowerExchange Listener is running so that the cipher code is not visible in memory dumps.
The user exit program returns one of the following return codes:
  • 0 = The program completed successfully.
  • 4 = A failure occurred, but the PowerExchange Listener continues running. The Listener ignores the result set.
  • Other value = A failure occurred, and the Listener task terminates.
Informatica recommends that you set the first parameter of the SECURITY statement in the DBMOVER configuration file to 2. This setting ensures that the user ID assigned to the PowerExchange Listener can run with a RACF authorization and authentication that are different from those of the individual data access tasks. By defining security setup in this way, PowerExchange switches the Listener subtask to the RACF user ID that is provided on the PowerExchange Listener request, regardless of whether the request is from the PowerExchange Navigator, a PowerCenter workflow, or an Informatica client tool. All data access requests that are directed to PowerExchange are performed with the RACF authorization of the user account that is making the request.
Sample user exit programs, such as LSUUXADC, are provided in the SRCLIB library on z/OS.
  • If a netport job has an Adabas source that is encrypted with a cipher code, the user ID under which the netport job runs must have READ permission on resource DTL.LISTENER.AMVALUES in the class that is specified in the RACF_CLASS statement in the DBMOVER configuration file. The netport job communicates with the PowerExchange Listener through AMTSK (listamvalues) to obtain the Adabas cipher.
  • If a netport job has an Adabas source that is encrypted with a cipher code, set OUSP to Y in the DBMOVER configuration file.
  • If an Adabas source that is encrypted with a cipher code contains spanned records, you must apply SAG fixes AN826117 and AU826076. Otherwise, PowerExchange might encounter problems when it tries to decrypt the spanned records.


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