PowerExchange supports most record formats on z/OS.
PowerExchange can read or write the following types of z/OS files:
Fixed length files with the following record formats: F (Fixed-length, unblocked), FB (Fixed-length, blocked), and FS (Fixed-length, unblocked, standard)
Variable length files with the following record formats: V (Variable-length, unblocked), VB (Variable-length, blocked), and VS ( Variable-length, unblocked, spanned)
PowerExchange does not support the following record formats:
VBS (Variable-length, blocked, spanned)
U (Undefined)
Informatica recommend that you select the
record format for data maps that read or write z/OS files whenever possible.
The maximum record size that PowerExchange can process is 147,456 bytes (144 KB), which z/OS supports for RECFM values of FS, FBS, and VS.