PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe
- PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe 10.5.6
- All Products
File Name
| Description
filename .DTLnnnnn
filename .PRNxxxx
| File that contains the data for the DB2 LOAD utility to load to a nonpartitioned table
File that contains the data for the DB2 LOAD utility to load to a partitioned table
filename .DTLnnnnn .CTL
| File that contains the LOAD commands
filename .DTLnnnnn .SQL
| File that contains the SQL template for CREATE TABLE statements
filename .DTLnnnnn .SYSPRINT
| File that contains the output from bulk load jobs
File Name
| Description
filename .PRNxxxx
| File that contains the data for the DB2 LOAD utility to load to a nonpartitioned table
File that contains the data for the DB2 LOAD utility to load to a partitioned table
filename .CTL
| File that contains the LOAD commands
filename .SQL
| File that contains the SQL template for CREATE TABLE statements
filename .SYSPRINT
| File that contains the output from bulk load jobs
File Name
| Description
filename .PRNxxxx
| File that contains the data for the DB2 LOAD utility to load to a nonpartitioned table
File that contains the data for the DB2 LOAD utility to load to a partitioned table