You can configure parameters in expressions or conditions in transformations, such as the Aggregator transformation, Lookup transformation, Expression transformation, and the Filter transformation.
For example, configure a filter condition in the Filter transformation. Choose the ports and the parameters to include in the condition. Select the system parameters or the user-defined parameters to include in the filter condition.
The following image shows a Filter condition that includes the Employee port and the Employee_Filter parameter:
You can use parameters in expressions in the same arguments that accept port names as arguments. You cannot use a parameter to replace a constant argument in an expression.
For example, consider the TO_DECIMAL expression that converts a string to a decimal value:
TO_DECIMAL( value [, scale] )
The scale argument must be a constant value in the expression.
The following valid expression contains a constant argument for scale:
TO_DECIMAL( Input_Port,10 )
The following expression is not valid because it contains a user-defined parameter for the scale argument :
TO_DECIMAL( Input_Port,$Scale_Param )
A parameter cannot contain another parameter. For example, if you configure Parameter1 and Parameter2 in a transformation, you cannot set the default value of Parameter1 to $Parameter2. If you nest the parameters, the mapping fails with a validation error at runtime.