view shows the domain and all connections in the domain.
view has the following components:
Displays the domain and the connections in the domain.
Actions menu in the Navigator
When you select the domain in the Navigator, you can create a connection.
When you select a connection in the Navigator, you can delete the connection.
Contents panel
Displays information about the domain or the connection that you select in the Navigator.
When you select the domain in the Navigator, the contents panel shows all connections in the domain. In the contents panel, you can filter or sort connections, or search for specific connections.
When you select a connection in the Navigator, the contents panel displays information about the connection. The tasks that you can complete for the connection vary depending on which of the following views you select:
view. View or edit connection properties.
view. View or edit pooling properties for the connection.
view. View or edit group or user permissions on the connection.
Actions menu on the Manage tab
When you select a connection in the Navigator, you can test the connection.