Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Profiles
  3. Part 2: Profiling with Informatica Analyst
  4. Part 3: Profiling with Informatica Developer

Profile Guide

Profile Guide

Scorecard Export Files in Informatica Analyst

Scorecard Export Files in Informatica Analyst

You can export scorecard results to a Microsoft Excel file. The Analyst tool saves the file in the XLSX format. After you export the scorecard, the Microsoft Excel file displays the scorecard summary, trend charts, invalid rows, and scorecard properties in multiple worksheets.
When you export a scorecard, you can configure the following options:
Choose one of the following options to export the data:
  • All. Exports scorecard summary, trend charts, invalid rows, and scorecard properties to the Microsoft Excel file.
  • Summary View. Exports scorecard summary, trend charts, and scorecard properties to the Microsoft Excel file.
Invalid Rows
Enter the number of invalid rows that you want to export. You can enter a value up to 100,000 in the field. By default, the field displays 100. The Analyst tool exports a maximum of 100 invalid rows for each metric to the worksheet.
If you choose to export more than 100 invalid rows for a metric, the Data Integration Service performs the following steps to export the rest of the data:
  1. Creates a folder for the scorecard in the
    location. The Data Integration Service names the folder based on the scorecard name and time of file creation in the
    For example, if the scorecard name is SD1 and time of file creation is 2:23:15, the Data Integration Service names the folder as
  2. Creates a subfolder for each metric in the scorecard.
    For example, if the scorecard SD1 has metrics named M1, M2, and M3, the Data Integration Service creates three subfolders named M1, M2, and M3.
  3. Creates Microsoft Excel files in the metric subfolder. The files are named based on the metric name with an incremental number in the
    format. The last file created uses the
    format. Each Excel file can contain a maximum of 10K invalid rows.
    For example, if metric M1 has 30K invalid rows, the Data Integration Service creates three Microsoft Excel files named M1_0, M1_1, and MI_Remaining, and saves 10K invalid rows in each file.
  4. The Data Integration Service repeats Step 3 for all the other metrics in the scorecard.
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